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Lieutenant Gabriel Bray R.N. (1749 -1823) |
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Amongst the many memorials and grave stones in and around St. Andrews Church in Charmouth are those residents who made their mark at a national level. This was the case with Gabriel Bray, who though he never succeeded above the rank of Lieutenant, left us with a unique record of life on board ships of the Royal Navy in Georgian times. The painting shown here is a self portrait of him at work filling his Album on board HMS Pallas in 1774. |
It is this collection that has come down to us and is now treasured in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. If you visit the Museum today you will see that a number of the paintings are displayed in cabinets. The same images are continually being used in naval reference books due to their importance and rarity. I have used these throughout the Presentation and also additional paintings by him that have come to light. |
We are fortunate in Charmouth in having a magnificent marble memorial above the Church entrance to the great man and his wife, which we show here. Their grave sadly is just a shadow of what it must have once been at the corner of the church yard. It would have been a Chest Tomb, with four sides which have since disappeared as has the iron railings that would have adorned it. These would no doubt have been cut off during the last war as part of a drive all over the country for the war effort. The inscription on the top of the tomb, which can still be seen, is the same as that as the memorial recording their deaths in 1823 and 1835,respectively. |
Gabriel Bray was baptised on the 29th June 1749 at St. Leonards Church in Upper Deal, which had formerly been the town`s only church until St. Georges was built at the beginning of the 18th century. His father, John had himself been baptised in the same church in 1716. The building has changed very little as can be seen by the comparable print above, except that it is now next to a busy crossroads. The records for the church show his parents as John and Margaret Bray. His mother, Margaret Boughton had originated from the village of Sholden in East Kent and had married her husband in 1746. They had lost their first child, baptised as John Gabriel, within a year of his birth and were to go on to have four children. |
The painting shown here by J.M.W. Turner depicts Deal during a raging storm . The town was to be Gabriel Brays family home until his marriage in 1780 aged 30. A Will of 1757 by his father, John, details the family living in a house in Lower Street. This was to stay in the family until the death of his daughter Mary in 1850, aged 96. Her Will records it as being no. 20 Lower Street, which is now the High Street. |
Among the many paintings that Gabriel produced was this one of his father which was sketched ashore in mid 1774, when he would have been aged 48. |
This fascinating account of the naval life of John Bray on the left and written out on the right gives us an insight into his rise through the ranks from Midshipman in 1735 to Rear Admiral in 1789. |
Gabriel Bray`s father, John, was to spend his whole life, when not on board ships, living in Deal in Kent. Initially he had a house at 20 Lower Street in the centre of the town. He was to do well with Prize Money from his Naval actions and in 1775 moved with his family to the impressive mansion shown in this slide. It was the largest property in the nearby village of Great Mongeham and had formerly belonged to Samuel Shepherd, who after the sale moved to Faversham to found the brewery, Shepherd Neame, which is still operating today and famous for it`s “Master Brew” and “Spitfire” Ale. At the rear of the property was a Malthouse and Farm, still to be seen, which was later to be run by his son, John Raven Bray and then his granddaughter, Margaret, until her death in 1892, aged 95. |
An Extract from John Bray, father of Gabriel Bray, Will of 1796: 27 March 1795 - Kentish Gazette - Canterbury, Kent, England |
The map shown here was one of the first Ordnance Survey Maps which was published in 1801. It is helpful in placing the sites associated with the Brays. Gabriel’s mother, Margaret Boughton originated from the village of Sholdon, to the north of Mongeham where she was later to live. The impressive Castles of Deal, Sandown and Walmer, built by King Henry VIII to defend the coast are still standing. When John Bray died in 1795 he left his house in Lower Street to his daughter, Mary. His farm and Malthouse went to his son, John Raven Bray. The remainder seems to have been auctioned off in the same year and the advertisement for the sale is shown on the right. The proceeds no doubt were divided between his four surviving children, including Gabriel. |
This early engraving is of Kings School in Canterbury, Kent, which accordingly the Guinness Book of Records is the oldest in the country. It’s historic records are kept in the school Archives. The School entry book still exists and show Gabriel being admitted on the 23rd of November 1759. A later entry for 29th September, 1761 is for his brother, John Raven Bray. Of the 20 boys admitted to King’s in 1759, it is astonishing that seven were from Deal and may well have been friends of Gabriel. The records are especially important as supplying both brothers date of birth and where they were baptised, which in both cases was St. Leonard’s in Deal. |
Gabriel would have been just 10 years of age when he entered Kings School and was to be educated there until his departure in 1764, aged 15. It was no doubt where his talent for painting was encouraged. Just ten years later he was to return to the City and record the view from St. Augustine's Abbey with the Cathedral in the distance, where his old school stood in the precincts. It is a fascinating painting as he has depicted himself with his sketch pad in the foreground with a friend. The original painting is now in the British Museum. According to the long inscription attached to the original mount of this drawing, it was presented to the young writer George Monck Berkeley (1763-1793) by Miss Anson as a keepsake when he was about to leave Canterbury. This must have been in 1775 when he left Kings School for Eton. |
Whilst going through the extensive series of documents relating to both John and Gabriel Bray held in the Public Record Office at Kew I was very exited to find this sheet towards the end. It is described as a “ Memorandum of the Services of Lieutenant Gabriel Bray”. Up until then I was finding it difficult to complete the various ships and dates of service for him. This was to be a revelation for me as it actually written by him in 1817 and supplied all I wanted to know. There were a few dates missing that I was able to fill in and the updated sheet can be seen on the right. The first entry for 1763, is as a Volunteer on “HMS Aquilon” under Captain Philip Perceval as it patrolled the English Channel. It must have been the equivalent of a Summer job as he was still at school. Aged just 14 in that year. |
Again we have to look at his Memorandum to find his first posting after leaving school. This was to be as a sailor on HMS Launceston where he would hold the junior position of Midshipman. It is astonishing to think that at just 17 years of age he would be sailing to North America, where he would spend the next three years under the command of Captain John Gell, whose portrait and plans of the ship are shown in this slide. |
Gabriel’s memorandum records that his next destination was to return to North America, this time he was to spend two years off Newfoundland. Initially under Commodore John Byron, shown here, on HMS Antelope and the following year on HMS Panther under Captain George Gaston. He notes that he took on the position of Mate on the latter. It is in the year 1770, aged 21, that he passes his Lieutenant exams and awaits promotion. |
This fine length portrait is of Admiral Clark Gayton, whom Gabriel Bray served under. In the background to the left, behind Gayton's right arm, is the 'Antelope'. Another indeterminate vessel flying a red ensign is on the right. Gayton's right hand holds a rolled up chart and rests on a table full of charts. |
At the close In the year 1773 there was to be a Royal Fleet Review at Spithead off the coast of Portsmouth. King George III was to be on board the Royal Yacht Augusta” whilst the Fleet sailed by. Gabriel Bray was very fortunate to be a member of the crew for this historic event on June 22nd of that year. He showed tremendous foresight to paint the fleet from his vantage point on board the ship which is shown here with the King standing by the flag. |
The following day, his Captain was so impressed with the painting that he showed it to the King. A newspaper report shortly afterwards informs its readers that “Mr. Bray of Deal, midshipman of the Augusta yacht, being ordered on duty at Portsmouth during the late review, made a draught of the whole fleet, with a prospect of the Isle of Wight. The Captain presented it to his Majesty, who ordered a copy of it to be drawn, with the Draughtsman’s name affixed to it, which being executed, Mr Bray, had the honour of being introduced to the Royal Presence, kissed his Majesty’s hand, and was made a Lieutenant of the Augusta”. |
After his time at Sea on board Augusta, Gabriel returned back to his home town of Deal in June 1774 on half pay . It was here that he was to begin painting watercolours of what he saw around him in an Album which he was to add to over the next two years in what was to become an exiting and eventful period of his life. We are fortunate today that it has survived virtually complete and provides a window on his life. The majority of the paintings are dated and briefly described. I have as best as I can placed them in chronological order with further information where available. He was able to record what others ignored and possess the quality of snapshots of what he saw around him. The famous marine painters of the time ignored the everyday and depicted ships and battles instead which are relatively common. Many of the drawings were made directly and sometimes rapidly into Bray`s sketchbook, on board Pallas, or away on a mission. |
Gabriel`s father, John, bought up a number of properties and farms from the Prize money he received from the Navy. This scene may well depict a harvesting scene on his farm which is described by him as “Taking in New Hay and stacking in June 1774”. Alongside is another reminder of this with a characterful painting of a “Harvest Man” painted in August of that year. It shows the reaper with his sickle and a small keg, probably for ale as necessary refreshment in the hot and dusty work of summer harvesting. It is signed 'AdVprGB' (to the life by Gabriel Bray) as are many in the Album showing his skill at depicting a scene as he saw it straight onto the page. |
I have grouped these three paintings together. The large one is describes at as “a view up a river with wooded banks painted in August 1774”. The other sketches are of a riding horse (from the docked tail) a long-horned cow resting by a bush was probably done near where he lived in Kent, |
This interesting painting is described as “A Close View in a Chalk Pit as Upper Deal in Kent”. Research has shown that there was a large field there on the Tithe Map called Chalk Pit Field with a Lime Kiln on it, which is probably what he has depicted here. |
The area of coast from Dover to the Thames estuary was known as “The Downs”. Gabriel's drawing here shows a British naval two-decker of at least 64-guns, with a cutter to the left firing a salute off the coast of Deal in June 1774. |
This is another of the drawings that Gabriel was to add to his sketch book whilst in Deal. It depicts a military figure , possibly a sentry leaning on a pile of bales, with a seaman carrying kegs in the background. The main figure clearly belongs to a corps which remains to be identified and, given the beach location, it has been suggested he may be connected with anti-smuggling operations at that time, which Gabriel was later to be part of. |
A drawing signed 'AdVprGB July 74' (to the life by Gabriel Bray) showing two men working on a jolly boat (the smallest boat warships generally carried), which has been propped up on its starboard gunwale for convenience. Many of the Navy's boats were built at Deal in Kent, where it had a boatyard for the purpose and where Bray and his family lived. |
This is an extremely detailed proposal, to a scale measuring 120 feet and with a lettered key, for a small tidal dockyard in Deal. Its evident purpose is the maintenance and minor repair of small naval vessels on the two sloping 'slips' flanking the central channel that runs back from the dock gate. Two smaller slips for boats lie beneath the Superintendent's House at the landward end. The other two views are transverse sections at right angles, on the axis of the channel and across it. Deal already had a small yard where the Navy built and repaired ships' boats, of which his proposal is a logical development. Whether he ever submitted it to the Admiralty for consideration is not yet known. |
A close up of the previous slide to show the proposed buildings as Gabriel envisaged them if they were ever built against the Old Town of Deal today. |
By October of 1774, Gabriel had received a commission to sail on HMS Pallas” and was to make his way from Deal to London and then to Portsmouth. He has left us with a number of Watercolours of what he saw en route. |
“ Manning the Navy” by Collins depicts a naval press gang rounding up men of pretty poor quality by the look of them on Tower Hill, London. Such methods were the only way to ensure that ships were adequately, if not well manned. Genuine volunteers accounted for as little as a quarter of the ships company.The Impress Service, which was the normal land-based naval recruitment arm usually just seeking volunteers, would in times of emergency organize gangs to roam the streets of towns and villages forcefully taking (pressing) men for the fleet. The London impress was based at Tower Hill, with the naval receiving ship into which men were first placed for taking out by river, moored close by off the Tower. |
A caricature drawing of two men, the dandified one in the hat apparently of higher social status than the other with his tongue partly out to the side of his mouth. |
Two further every day sketches of London Street Life observed by Gabriel. |
The woman is probably a street vendor. The two gentlemen strolling past on the left give the impression of being complicit in the urchins' pilfering of fruit from the barrow. |
Gabriel appears to have arrived in Portsmouth in November of 1774 and has left us with some sketches of what he saw. |
The view appears to be along the Dockyard wall towards the Hard in Portsmouth, with one of the waterfront taverns on the left, stall-holders selling produce and two men possibly playing knucklebones on the paved street surface in the foreground. |
This is a famous engraving by Thomas Rowlandson of a similar view of the harbour at Portsmouth to that depicted by Bray. It shows an old clothes shop at left with a sign that reads, "Moses Levy Money Lent." At right is the "Ship Tavern." People are bustling to depart in the foreground: baggage is carried, casks are rolled, sailors and women embrace or fight. |
Gabriel would often paint characters he saw as he went along from life. Here are two paintings of Watermen in Portsmouth, before his departure. |
The Painting on the right is of the forty four gun frigate “HMS Pallas”. It was on board this ship that Gabriel Bray was to take up the position of second Lieutenant for the next two years, under Admiral William Cornwallis, shown here. In his Sketchbook he was to capture the ordinary and everyday moments of Royal Navy life during his time on board in a series of paintings. The voyage took him to Tenerife and a number of West African destinations - to support British commercial interests there, including the slave trade - before making for Barbados and finally Jamaica. |
Gabriel wasted no time in adding more watercolours of life on board HMS Pallas to his Album. This is the first, whilst still in Portsmouth and described by him as “The Sailmaker ticketing the Hammocks on board the Pallas, November 1774”. Men were issued with hammocks which bore a number indicating their place in the ship. The head of the capstan indicates this is an upper-deck scene. The drawing also shows the working dress of a sailmaker. He was required to inspect all of the sails taken onboard ship and to attend all surveys and conversions of the sails and rigging and to keep all of the sails in good repair. He was also expected to assist with hammocks as depicted here by Bray. |
This is another scene painted in November before HMS Pallas sailed of four fully uniformed marines below an upper deck hatchway. The two visibly eating are seated on sea chests and the meal could be pease pottage (or pudding) - a porridge of dried split peas baked with water and seasoning. |
A drawing of a young man, possibly one of the 'Pallas's' midshipmen or master's mates. |
The first drawing of a steward was probably done at Portsmouth when the 'Pallas' was on the point of sailing for Africa in December 1774 or at least early in the voyage, since the meat appears to be fresh rather than salted. Ships did carry livestock, but probably delayed slaughtering it until well into the voyage. |
The scene is probably what the log of the 'Pallas' calls the Dutch fort of Anzer, one of at least three between Fort Appollonia and Cape Coast Castle - Like all such forts it would have been a trading (and slaving) station. |
The Desertas are four small rocky islands in the Atlantic Ocean. They are situated S. E. of Madeira and are called Bugio, Chao, Deserta Grande and Sail Rock. Uninhabited, they are visited only by fishermen and herdsmen.' Bray's view appears to be of most of Deserta Grande and the northern tip of Bugio, seen from the north-north-west looking down the chain. This is a very rare view of these remote islets, taken as the 'Pallas' sailed south from Funchal, Madeira, for West Africa in December 1774 |
south-east of Madeira, as viewed by Bray from the 'Pallas', on a bearing of south by east and a half east. Today they are a restricted area of natural conservation interest. |
A drawing showing a British brig called 'Expedition' aground, with salvage in progress, on the western point of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Boats are in attendance and men on deck are apparently recovering cargo from the hold with a tackle rigged to the mainstay. The upper masts and yards have already been removed. It was presumably seen by Bray as his ship ran into the harbour at Santa Cruz. |
This is a still-life study aft on the 'Pallas, with Marines' drums and leather buckets hoisted up out of the way and a gun and a water cask secured for sea. |
The drawing shows the Peak of Tenerife, bearing west and half a point south at a distance of nine leagues (nine sea-miles), probably as the 'Pallas' was approaching the island, where she called en route to Africa. |
A drawing of two marines on the Pallas gangway. One of the Marines, is apparently trying to take something out of the other's eye, probably while the 'Pallas' was at Tenerife. A cutter is on the horizon to the left. |
A fully uniformed Marine on sentry duty while the 'Pallas' probably at Tenerife from the date. A cutter is on the horizon to the left. |
The two drawings are of a sailor fishing, possibly at anchor in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. |
The date can be fairly closely identified as 29-30 January from the ship's log. The men are apparently sitting on the port anchor. There are in fact two anchors, a main bower with a smaller stream anchor on top of it, to which the buoy on which the seaman is sitting is probably attached. The ship is clearly lying off the mouth of the Senegal River, presumably only to single anchor using her starboard bower. |
A view taken probably in the harbour at Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The men are using a launch, the largest boat ships normally carried, to recover a ship's bower or stream anchor - both large and heavy. |
A view taken probably in the harbour at Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The men are using a launch, the largest boat ships normally carried, to recover a ship's bower or stream anchor - both large and heavy. |
These fascinating watercolours depict African native heads from tribes that Gabriel Bray saw when the “Pallas” called at Senegal on the way down the African coast in March 1775. They show the head dress of the Wappo negroes of the Ivory Coast, The Joliffes of the Gum Coast and the Fantyman of the Gold Coast showing their tufted hair style. |
A drawing of Fort Apolonia, It shows a scene in West Africa, on Bray's first 'Pallas' voyage. Having first called at the River Senegal and River Gambia, the 'Pallas' was instructed to call at Cape Appolonia where the Africa Company were constructing this fort, 'consequent to an Act of Parliament', before continuing to Cape Coast Castle. The 'Pallas' in fact only sent a boat with an officer ashore here as they passed on 17 March 1775, while the ship stayed in the offing. The British fort - which was undoubtedly protecting traffic including, if not mainly, the slave trade - is in the centre, flanked on either side by stockades enclosing African huts under the shade of palm trees. The view is from the ship, showing the boat - a local canoe - carrying the officer ashore with a waving figure on the bow and others waving from the shore |
While the sitter is unidentified, he is clearly a lieutenant of the 'Pallas' and the drawing shows how officers must have looked much of the time in working 'undress' uniform. |
This drawing presumably shows a young seaman of the 'Pallas’ practising contortion, his left leg raised behind his head. |
These are two self-portraits in the Bray album, probably using the same folded mirror. Both also show the long hair which men of the time could favour, usually tied back into a pigtail with ribbon among sailors (and soldiers) and powdered white in formal circumstances. |
The ships are small frigates of about 26-28 guns.. A naval longboat is in the foreground. It may be a scene Bray observed off Africa during the 'Pallas' voyage. The ship on the left flies the red ensign often signifying one on independent commission, while the white one suggests the frigate on the right is from a command under a flag officer of the white squadron. |
The Africans are likely to be Fante or Krumen, depending on the exact location. Landing at points on the Africa coast could be dangerous because of the surf: an early attempt by the 'Pallas' to send a boat ashore resulted in the boat being overset on reaching it and several men drowning. Local canoes such as this were more skilled and suited to the conditions. On 3 April 1775 while anchored off Whydah, the 'Pallas' sent a seine net for fishing ashore in a canoe and it was lost when the canoe capsized in the surf. |
This may have been drawn on the 'Pallas's transatlantic leg from Africa (whence they sailed on 4 April 1775) to Barbados. The view is almost certainly on the starboard side of the main-deck forward hatch, under the companionway, with the starboard anchor cable going down to the tier below. From his apparent headgear the seaman shown and the man seated on a sea chest with a tankard in his hand, far right, are probably Marines. The man in the centre is sewing an item of clothing. |
This was probably sketched on the 'Pallas's' transatlantic passage from Africa to Barbados, from 4 April to 31 May 1775. The location in the ship is probably on the port side of the main gundeck forward hatch, looking forward, with the port anchor cable snaking out of the lower foreground and temporarily hoisted overhead, out of the way while making passage. The forward companionway rises to the deck above on the right. The seamen on the left is sitting in a sea chest marked 'CDN 17' (probably CD No. 17), his number and place in the ship. |
This drawing was done on the 'Pallas's' transatlantic crossing from Africa to Barbados, 4 April - 31 May 1775. The scene is likely to be in the ship's cockpit - a lower-deck space, with little natural light, that was the home of midshipmen and master's mates. There they slept, ate and - as shown here - relaxed and studied by candlelight. One of their hanging cots, with a draw-string bag for personal items suspended at its head, can be seen in the top right corner, hanging parallel to the ship's side, as indicated by the positions of the hanging knee and deck beam, top centre. These were the living conditions that 'young gentlemen' first met when they went to sea and it is likely that one or more of those shown are either the Hon. Thomas Pakenham, or Lord Charles Fitzgerald, two of the aristocratic protégés of the ship's captain, the Hon. William Cornwallis. |
I thought I had seen all the wonderful watercolours that Gabriel Bray had produced on HMS Pallas, when I tracked down this additional picture, which is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. It is a superb informal scene below deck of the Officers enjoying a pot of tea. The young boys in the background appear in an earlier sketch by Gabriel. I feel quite confident, judging from his self portraits, that he included himself sitting in the centre foreground. |
These are three further Drawings in the Victoria & Albert Museum Collection which are signed by Gabriel Bray and contemporary with the Tea Party scene below decks on HMS Pallas in 1774. They depict every day scenes that he would have seen on shore. |
The National Maritime Museum has separate from the Album, this oil painting described as “ A ship Hove Down and Burning off” by Gabriel Bray. The vessel is probably naval, since a number of guns have been landed on the quay prior to her being hove down for breaming, which is what is being shown. A small naval sloop appears to the right, with a further vessel beyond with only lower masts standing. This therefore appears to be a fairly substantial repair facility and it may be a scene in the West Indies, to which Bray made two voyages via the West African coast when second lieutenant of HMS ‘Pallas’ in 1774 and 1775. |
Alongside this painting of HMS Pallas are various newspaper reports of some of the actions she was involved with in the years 1775 and 1776 in which Gabriel Bray would have participated. |
After Gabriel`s adventures in west Africa and the West Indies he returned home to Deal in 1778 and may well have stayed with his father at his magnificent new house and farm in Great Mongeham which he had recently bought. In September of that year he received his next commission nearer home on HMS Sprightly patrolling the Downs for the Customs service in pursuit of smugglers. |
Gabriel Bray commanded HMS Sprightly from 1779 until 1780. The letter is one of many that was sent by him to the Commissioner of the Royal Navy whilst in Dover on the 8th October 1779 “His boat has had several repairs in the last year and has had to avoid boarding several vessels because of her condition. Asks for Mr. Lawrence, Naval Storekeeper at Deal, to be ordered to supply another boat”. |
The companion to the earlier painting by Gabriel Bray is described as “The Charlotte off Dunkirk”. Again a little research shows this to be the French Privateer “Le Charlotte” which was captured on the 15th September 1780 and later renamed “Royal Charlotte” and served in the British Navy for another 3 years. The “Scourge” is seen here commanded by Captain Chichester Fortescue. Gabriel Bray must have witnessed this event on board “HMS Sprightly” at the time. The report of the action appeared in the Newcastle Courant on the 23 September 1780. as follows: |
In 1780 Gabriel Bray of the parish of Deal married Mary Cartwright of the parish of St. Andrews, Holborn in London, a record of which is shown here. Mary would have been just 18 and Gabriel 31 years of age. The Witnesses are Robert Perry and Albert Innes, who appears as his agent in London in contemporary adverts as below. His address was Crutched Friars, the site of The Navy Office which was where the Governmentoffice was charged with responsibility for the day-to-day civil administration of the British Royal Navy from (1576-1832). It contained all the members of the Navy Board and various other departments and offices. Little is known about his wife`s family apart from the fact she was baptised with a twin sister, Ann, in Islington in 1762 which would have been rare in those days. |
The 'Sprightly', built in 1778, was a typical rigged revenue cutter with 12 guns and 60 men. It was commissioned in September under Lieutenant Gabriel Bray for the Downs until1780. It was then recommissioned under Bray in September of that year. In April 1781 under Lieutenant Swan paid off 1783 recommissioned May 1782 for Mounts Bay. Still under Swan until 1785. |
London February 11,1783 |
April 17th 1781 London Gazette. |
Although Gabriel was to lose his command of the Sprightly in July 1781, he soon gained a new one as Lieutenant in Command of HMS Nimble where he was to remain until October 1786. She was sent to the Downs off Deal to patrol the English Channel to protect British shipping against attacks by Dutch and French privateers. This contemporary engraving has the Nimble Cutter in Chase of an Enemy. |
To the inhabitants of Deal |
The water guard cutters were particularly disliked among the smuggling community. One of these vessels successfully chased a smuggling galley into the Deal beach in August 1771, but as soon as two of the revenue men went on shore to examine the vessel, “ they were respectively stoned, beat, bruised and much hurt by the people on Shore”. The rest of the crew on the cruiser came ashore to help, but were greeted” by the Mob with Cricket bats, stones and Staves”, while a further three men were abducted away. According to the commander of the Nimble, it was not infrequent for smugglers to fire upon the revenue boats. Meanwhile, in Deal, shore-based artillery was used to defend smuggling runs. These carriage guns were strategically placed in the avenues and streets of the town within easy range of the beach. The parliamentary report of 1783 investigating illicit activities highlighted Deal as an ”emporium “ of duty free goods, with the whole of its population, including the mayor, seemingly aiding smugglers with their work. In April 1784 a number of lives were lost when a galley and two other boats from the Nimble encountered a large Lugger near the Deal coast. The crew of the Lugger opened fire with Muskets and Blunderbusses. The air became rich with the smell of gunpowder and the sound of men shouting and screaming. The revenue vessels eventually reached their target and attempted to board. In the violent frenzy that followed, two smugglers and one revenue officer were killed, and a further tow were so badly injured that the captain of the revenue cruisers did not expect them to live. The Lugger had a cargo of 419 casks of Geneva(Gin) and Brandy. The revenue commissioners awarded Captain Bray and his men £200. |
Thomas Brown, a local smuggler, assaulted the Deal Customs officers three times in the space of eighteen months, either resisting seizures or rescuing contraband. Richard Baxter was lucky to escape serious injury when Brown tried to brain him with a tiller. The next year, when Baxter was shot dead in the course of a pursuit after a smuggling boat, Brown was named as the murderer and a £200 reward was offered for information leading to his capture. Brown was later reported operating as a privateer, accompanying Daniel Faux in his cruises off the east coast, but he remained at liberty. In fact he was never tried for the murder; Brown was killed when a boarding party from Gabiel Bray's cutter, Nimble captured the Juliet Lugger in 1784. |
By the King |
Thursday 11th November 1784 |
This silver cup was presented to Commander Gabriel Bray, from the cutter 'Nimble' in 1784. It rewarded his efforts in protecting the revenue against smugglers. The inscription on the cup reads: |
London, Saturday, January 8th 1785. |
A report about Blanchard`s flight in a Balloon across the Channel to Dover. At the end there is a reference to a King`s Cutter being in the vicinity. This must have been Gabriel Bray`s Cutter and ties in with the painting he later that year exhibited at the Royal Academy (1785). The seventeenth., 1785 no. 259 "A representation of Mons. Blanchard`s balloon off Dover).. Sadly this painting has not come down to us but to give us an idea of how it would have looked we show a similar painting by Edward Cocks. |
A Still Life Painting signed by Gabriel Bray which came up for auction recently. |
1778 Oct 19 Lieutenant G. Bray, the Sprightly cutter, Deptford. Asks to be supplied with 3 months Surgeon's necessaries for 50 men. 1778 Nov 14 Lieutenant G. Bray, the Sprightly cutter, Galleons. Asks for a Pilot to take him to the Nore and asks for Mr. Slaney. 1779 Mar 22 Philip Stephens. Lieutenant Bray of the Sprightly cutter has asked for 2 more short 3-pounders. Opine the number allowed her is sufficient 1779 June 4 Captain Bray, Regulating Captain at Dover, has presented imprest accounts but we are unsure if he is to be allowed money for the Rendezvous and lodgings. He wants the same allowances as Lieutenants, who have Captains, are allowed. 1779 Oct 2 Lieutenant John Bray, Dover. Today, he has drawn bill, payable to Lewis Miol, for carrying on the impress service under his regulation. 1779 Oct 8 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, Sprightly cutter, Dover. His boat has had several repairs in the last year and has had to avoid boarding several vessels because of her condition. Asks for Mr. Lawrence, Naval Storekeeper at Deal, to be ordered to supply another. 1779 Oct 18 Captain John Bray, Dover. Today, has drawn a bill, payable to Lewis Miol, for carrying on the impress service under his regulation. Lieutenant Lawrie has returned from duty on the impress service in the Downs, having one of the boats with him that are employed on that service but she was lost in a gale. 1780 Oct 21 Lieutenant Bray, Dover. Has drawn a bill in favour of Lewis Miol, for the impressment services. 1780 Nov 11 Lieutenant John Bray, Dover. Has drawn a bill in favour of Louis Nicol for carrying out the press. 1781 July 25 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for the appointment of Walter Kitchen as the ship's Surgeon. 1781 Aug 9 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. The magazine of the cutter was severely affected by damp and asks for it to be made tight to avoid this problem. 1781 Aug 11 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for a supply of Surgeon's necessaries. 1781 Sept 22 Lieutenant Bray, Dover. Has drawn a bill in favour of Mr. Milton for the imprest service. 1781 Dec 3 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for a supply of Surgeon's necessaries. 1783 Jan 2 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Request for permission to cut two further ports. 1783 Jan 12 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Gives reasons for the cutting of further ports in the ship's sides. 1783 Jan 26 Captain John Bray, Dover. Request for authority to issue a certificate to Lieutenant John Turner of the Rendezvous at Folkestone following the apprehension of seven men cast ashore from a French privateer. 1783 June 2 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Request for the ship to be slipped following her grounding on Northsands Head. 1783 June 4 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Request for Mr. Oliphant to be appointed the ship's Master. 1783 June 16 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Request for a direction to Sheerness Yard to make alterations to the ship to avoid the damage to the copper on the bows caused by the anchor being fished. 1784 Aug 16 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for certain accounts to be dispensed with following the loss of stores and equipment in bad weather in the North Sea. 1784 Aug 18 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for a Pilot to assist the docking of the ship. 1784 Sept 7 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Sheerness. Asks for the appointment of John Lambert as the ship's Cook, on his being injured in a fight with smugglers at Deal. 1784 Sept 14 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, Margate Roads. Asks for a Pilot. 1784 Sept 28 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, the Downs. Asks again for a Pilot to assist in tracking down smugglers. 1784 Sept 29 Lieutenant Bray, the Nimble, the Downs. Asks for directions to be given to the Storekeeper at the Downs to supply a new topmast for the ship. 1785 Mar 20 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble cutter, Margate Road. Thomas Cribben has superseded James Alexander Murray as Master of the Nimble and he is not yet acquainted with this station and asks for a Pilot 1785 July 8 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, Nimble cutter, Downes. He was refused an eight inch stream cable instead of a six inch one by Mr. Lawrence, Naval officer at Deal, and asks for an order 1786 John Jenkins, boatswain; Paul Hughes, boatswain; Martin Allen, boatswain; Abraham Cressey, carpenter; Charles Morice Pole, Captain; Skeffington Lutwidge, Captain; The Hon. Jonathan Whitmore Chetwynd, Captain; Gabriel Bray, 1st Lieutenant; Robert Pringle, 3rd Lieutenant; Edward Eilbech, purser; Angel Triggs, purser. Warrants or commissions for service at this rank in the Royal Navy 1786 Jan 20 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble cutter, East Swale, Faversham. Lost one of the Cutter's boats last month and has not been able to take on water, as there is only one boat in the port. Asks for a boat to be supplied from either Chatham or Sheerness. 1786 Feb 21 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, the Nimble cutter, East Swale. Has no objection to Mr. Cribbens going to sick quarters, but he is sorry to lose a good Officer. Mr. Cribben's letter to you was only to inform on the matter as he understands that it is the responsibility of the Commander and Surgeon to make this decision. 1786 Nov 8 Lieutenant Gabriel Bray, Oase near Faversham. Writes in support of John Lambert who, whilst serving with him, lost an arm. He was made Cook on the Nimble cutter, which he had commanded, until she was paid off. He is a young man and asks for a position to be found for him. |
Hampshire Chronicle reports from Portsmouth on the 10th May 1788. |
Gabriel Bray and his wife, Mary were to spend almost 20 years of their lives in the pretty Cornish Port of Fowey, where they built a fine house overlooking the beautiful Quay. The slide is of the Esplanade, where they lived and the Old Customs House which still stands, that played such an important part in Gabriel`s life. The Directory Listing for Fowey in 1791 shows Gabriel Bray as well as a number of other Gentry, nearly all associated with the Navy. |
The Hind was one of the newest and largest cutters in service, carrying a crew if 41 men, was stationed in the Channel Between Portland and Lands End. Like other Revenue cutters in service at the term, the Hind was a former smuggling Lugger seized off Plymouth in January 1789 and judged too useful to suffer the usual fate and broken up. Instead, she was converted into a Cutter and taken into service. |
The dramatic painting shown here is of HM brig 'Scourge' capturing the 'Sans Culotte', 13 March 1793 which would have been witnessed by Gabriel Bray, who was among the ships that captured a number of French ships that day. |
Letter from Lt. Gabriel Bray to Evan Nepean request instructions about what was to be done with the arms and powder which he had remaining, and also the pilot for the French coast. 26/1-2. 1794, September 9. ... Plymouth March 5th 1796 September 1797 Dispatch from John Warren to Lord Bridport. L’ Incroyable French Privateer, mounting 2 carriage guns and 21 men, by the Hind revenue cutter, Mr Murray acting Commander. |
Cowes, August 17 1797 |
Copy of a Letter from Sir Edward Pellew, Bart. Captain of His Majesty's Ship Indefatigable, to Mr. Nepean, dated Falmouth, July 11,1797. SIR , “you will be pleased to inform their Lordships, * that the Duke of York Lugger returned last Night. She fell in with a French Lugger Privateer, and chased her off the Land into the Hands of Lieutenant Bray, commanding the Hind Revenue Cutter, who also retook a Sloop, which the Privateer had before captured : The Lugger mounts 2 Guns, with 25 Men. I have the Honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, ED. PELLEW. |
Plymouth, April 1 1799 The good Dogger Somner |
592. WILLIAM BARRETT , ROBERT MARK , WILLIAM FOSTER , WILLIAM SEARLE , and THOMAS VENTIN were indicted, for that they, on the 14th of May , within four leagues of the coast of this kingdom, that is, within three leagues of the county of Cornwall, by firing a certain gun or swivel, and directing certain other fire-arms, did obstruct Hugh Pearce and Philip Pill , being officers in the service of the Customs ; Hugh Pearce being on board of a certain boat, and Philip Pill being on board of another boat, each in the execution of his duty, in endeavouring to get on board a certain cutter called the Lottery, in order to seize, for our Lord the King, 500 gallons of geneva, and 500 gallons of brandy, by which means the said officers were prevented from seizing the same . They stood charged, in a second count, with the like offence, varying the manner of charging it. (The case was opened by Mr. Garrow.) GABRIEL BRAY sworn. - Examined by Mr. Fielding. Q. You were captain of the revenue cutter the Hind? - A. I was. Q. Be so good as tell my Lord and the Jury, what was your situation at sea on the 15th or 14th of May. when you had a view of the Lottery cutter? - A. I will; the wind was westerly; I was cruizing on the 13th of last May, between Dartmouth and the Start Point, for the purpose of intercepting smuggling vessels; when I was informed, by the man at the mast-head, that a sail was seen. Q. About what time was it? - A. About three in the afternoon; we could not then perceive exactly what she was; about half past three we made her to be a cutter; at four she came in so fast that we discovered her to be the Lottery; she came in directly for the shore; the wind then veering to the northward of west, I stood in under the land, the smuggler still continuing to steer in north, till at six he was within about two leagues and a half of the land called the Bolt, when finding the wind come to the northward, he tacked; the Hind immediately tacked after him, made fail, and chased him all the night, without ever losing fight of him; on the 14th, at five in the morning, we were becalmed, at about the distance of five miles from the smuggling cutter; when I ordered both the Hind's boats to be manned and armed, with an officer in each, to proceed towards that cutter, and take possession of her. |
from lm information Thomas Potter, of Polperro, Cornwall, has been apprehended there, and examined at the Guildhall here. The crew of the Lottery, eighteen number, are in clofe confinement, and it is fuppofed that many of them are implicated in the crime All the crew were arraigned on smuggling charge except for one, Roger Toms, who in an attempt to obtain a pardon for himself, agreed to give evidence on the men responsible for Glynn’s murder. He named three men, two were already in custody and a third man, Tom Potter, who Toms claimed had fired the fatal shot, was still at large. Toms was allowed to go free whilst the Customs searches for Potter and although they attempted to keep their prize witness safe he was spirited away to Guernsey by a band of Polperro men. What is certainly strange is that the smugglers went to this length to hide Toms,they were not normally so circumspect with informers and they usually silenced them forever. |
Cornwall - Borough of Fowey. |
It is difficult to track Gabriel Brays movements after 1800. He is definitely in London in 1809 when he is shown as living at 10 Newington Place, Newington and in the 1812 appears in a Poll Book for Hythe In Kent as living at this address and his brother, John Raven Bray in Great Mongeham. It is reported that he leaves the Royal Navy in 1800 as a result of his bad health, when he would have been just over 50. The album of paintings that he gave as a present to his godson, Isaac Swanson, whose images I have used on the earlier slides may give us a clue to his occupation during these missing years. |
In 1806 Swainson was secretary to the commissioners of HM Customs. When Charlotte Elizabeth Swainson was born on 4 July 1843 in Jamaica, her father, Isaac, was 49, and her mother, Charlotte, was 24. She had three sons with Charles Frederick Gray between 1862 and 1868. She died on 17 May 1906 in Saint Andrew, Jamaica, at the age of 62. Isaac Gabriel Swainson was born on 31 March 1794. He had three sons and four daughters with Charlotte Parker between 1841 and 1850. He died on 11 January 1855 in Hoole, Cheshire, at the age of 60. In 1991 the Society of Nautical Research presented to the National Maritime Museum an album of 75 drawings by Gabriel Bray. They supply a remarkable insight into life on a naval vessel in the 1770s. Together they establish Gabriel Bray as a naval artist of great significance. The Album bears the inscription “ Original sketches by G. Bray, RN 1775”. Their provenance, written in a modern hand on a loose sheet of paper, states that “This book was the property ofJ.G. Swainson Esq. Comptroller of Customs, Jamaica, in the early years of 1800- & father of Mrs Charles Gray. Gabriel Bray was Godfather to J.G. Swainson & had names him as his heir - at the age of 80 the old man married, and only the book and the name Gabriel came to J.G. Swainson”. The last details are incorrect as Gabriel married aged 50 and died in 1823, aged 75, with no reference to his godson in his Will.
John Timothy Swainson was Secretary to the Board of Customs and must have been a good friend of Gabriel as their paths had crossed in the past. For John`s early career had been in the Deal and Dover area. There is also records of him visiting Gabriel whilst he was living in Fowey. As well as a career in the Customs, he was also a famous Naturalist. His eldest son, William was to become an even greater botanist and illustrator. His artistic skills may well have come from his association with Gabriel in his youth John Timothy Swainson left Newington in 1806 and took on the important post of Collector of Customs In Liverpool. He died in 1824 and their is a marble memorial to him in the Lady Chapel of All Saints, Edge Hill to him. |
Another important link with the Swainson family was with John`s brother Isaac. He was to purchase the formula for a patent medicine called Velno`s Vegetable Syrup and make a fortune advertising in Newspapers of the time. He went on to build a Mansion shown here at Twickenham. Amongst his endorsements was that from Gabriel Bray writing from Fowey in 1794 about how it had changed his life for the better. In the spring of 1793, a disease made its appearance on both my arms. It increased most rapidly and covered almost every part of my body. I had sores as large as sixpence. I took mercurials and could scarcely move from my room without assistance, and could not put a coat on. I was advised to undergo a regular course of Velnos Syrup which began In December. I felt it’s influence in ten days and every day gave me additional strength and vigour. In the space of two months those persons who saw me in town scarcely knew me, it was to my feelings a complete regeneration. By continuing to take a few bottles Spring and in the Autumn to assure my own mind I will never be troubled so dreadful complaint. Your obliged and sincere friend Gabriel Bray. |
The house is now called “Peria” and is next to Luttrell House. The advert for the Auction in June 1817, describes the two properties and a meadow of land. Theirs is a very desirable Dwelling House adjoining the other, consisting of four good bedrooms, dressing room, closet, parlour, drawing room, vestibule, kitchen, laundry, cellar, with convenient office attached, and a neat walled garden now in the occupation of Captain Ferris. ented from them briefly before moving to Weymouth and was eventually an Admiral. Gabriel and Mary Bray appear in the Poor Rates Lists for Charmouth in 1815, which no doubt is when they moved from Newington. It is difficult at this stage to puzzle this out. He would have been 66 and his wife 54 years of age. His brother, John Raven Bray was living with his family at Great Mongeham, near Deal in Kent where he had a fine house and farm. He also had an unmarried sister, Mary who still lived in the old family house in Lower Street, Deal. His other sister, Margaret was married to John Coles living in London. FERRIS. (Rear-Admiral, 1846. f-p., 17; h-p., 37.) Abel Ferris, born 12 Dec. 1776, is son of the late Abel Ferris, Esq. This officer entered the Navy, 22 Feb. 1793, as Midshipman, on board the Thalia 36, Capt. Rich. Grindall, whom, after witnessing the Astraea’s capture, 10 April, 1795, of the French frigate La Gloire, he followed, as Master’s Mate, into the Irresistible 74, one of Lord Bridport’s fleet in the ensuing action with the French off Ile de Groix. He next served for short periods in La Nymphe 36, Capt. Geo. Losack, Atlas 98, Capt. Edm. Dod, and Carnatic 74, Capt. R. Grindall; and, then joining the Colossus 74, was present in that ship, under Capt. Geo. Murray, in the battle off Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797, and in her boats in various encounters with the Cadiz flotilla. On the Colossus being lost off Scilly, 10 Dec. 1798, Mr. Ferris became attached to the Puissant receiving-ship at Spithead, from which, on 22 April, 1799, he was promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Voltigeur 18, Capt. Thos. Geo. Shortland. Returning home from the Newfoundland station at the peace of Amiens, he subsequently, on 19 April, 1803, rejoined Capt. Grindall on board the Prince 98; and after participating in the battle of Trafalgar, 21 Oct. 1805, he successively accompanied Lord Collingwood into the Queen and Ocean 98’s. In the Wizard sloop, of 16 guns and 95 men, to the command of which he was promoted 10 Oct. 1807, Capt. Ferris fell in with, on 10 May, 1808, and chased for 88 hours, the French brig-corvette Le Requin, of 16 guns [errata 1] and 110 men, until at length the latter vessel, after having run a distance of 369 miles, and been once beaten in a well-fought action of an hour and a half, which cost the Wizard a loss of 1 man killed and 5 wounded, sought refuge in the neutral port of Tunis. Being subsequently stationed off the coast of Italy, in company with the Kent 74, the Wizard within a short period assisted at the capture and destruction of 23 of the enemy’s coasting vessels – nearly annihilated their trade – was in constant action with gun-boats and batteries – and on 1 Aug. towed and judiciously covered the approach of the boats in an attack made upon a convoy at Noli, a service more fully detailed in our memoir of Commander Wm. Chasman.[1] She also, on one occasion, captured a privateer mounting 8 guns, with a complement of 59 men. From 22 Nov. 1809, until confirmed to Post-rank 18 April, 1811, the subject of this sketch acted as Captain, in the Mediterranean, of the Royal Sovereign 100, Tigre 74, Volontaire 38, San Josef 110, flag-ship of Sir Chas. Cotton, and Euryalus 36. He was admitted to the out-pension of Greenwich Hospital 10 Dec. 1825, and awarded his present rank 1 Oct. 1846. The Rear-Admiral married, 22 June, 1811, Elizabeth, third daughter of Wm. Schollar, Esq., Mayor of Weymouth, co. Dorset. |
Gabriel Bray soon makes his mark on the village and shortly afterwards takes up the position of Churchwarden. The building we see today was built in 1836 replacing a much earlier edifice. The congregation had swelled over the years and Gabriel designed and had built a galley in 1817 to accommodate the increase. Sadly the building has gone, but a model was made just before its demolition and it that we can refer to for how it may have once looked. Gabriel had adorned each panel with paintings of the saints on either side of Christ as shown here. |
In 1818 Gabriel Bray Designs a new Lifeboat and won a Silver Cup. The designs and a picture of two boats fitted according to his plan, ae shown here. The society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce In 1818 Mr Gabriel Bray obtained a silver medal for his invention of a boat filled with air- boxes under the seats and along the sides. Look up spencer life boat Royal Society of Arts
I Gabriel Bray, Lieutenant at the Royal Navy now residing at no. 10 Newington Place in the Parish of St. Mary Newington in the County of Surrey do make this my last Sill and Testament in manner following that is to say I give, devise and bequeaths all my Messuages, Lands and Tenements and all my money in the public funds and all my estate and effects whatsoever and whosever and of what or nature whereof I am or shall be possessed unto my dear wife, Mary Bray forever and I appoint my said wife, Mary Bray, sole executrix of this my Will. 24th January 1810. Signed Gabriel Bray. Witnessed by Edward Stables, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, William Paxton, his Clerk, Elizabeth Linwell, Servant to Mr. stables. This is a Codicil as part of the last Will. Since then I have purchased the freehold Messuage Dwelling House with the Garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in Charmouth aforesaid, now in the occupation of Captain Ferris of the Royal Navy which I give to my wife, Mary Bray. Signed 3rd October 1817. Witnessed by John Ridges of Charmouth, Gentleman, Mary Peyton of the same place, Spinster, John Yard of Crediton, Devon, Attorney at Law. This is a further Codicil to the Last Will in that he gives his house in Charmouth to his wife, Mary Bray, dated 5th March 1820. Witnessed by John Towgood, Joseph Parkes, Benjamin Skillman, Clerk to Messrs. Amory and Coles, 52 Lothbury, London. Proved in London with 2 Codicils 3rd February, 1824. |
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Bray of Charmouth in the County of Dorset, Widow. I give unto Mary Wick Sweeting, the wife of Robert Hallet Sweeting of Charmouth aforesaid, Surgeon all my plate, linen wearing apparel, jewels and trinkets of every description. I give my one forth part of a wood called Blyby Wood in Kent and in the reversion upon the decease of Mary Bray, Spinster in a Messuage situate in Deal in Kent now in the occupation of the same Mary Bray in Deal and all other of my freehold estates in Kent and all my estate unto the use of Margaret Bray of Mongeham near Deal in Kent, Spinster( one of the nieces of my late husband) forever. I give all my Freehold Messuage situate in Charmouth where I now reside unto the use of Thomas Whitty Hallett of Axminster in the county of Devon, Spirit Merchant and William Elworthy of Wellington in the county of Somerset, Woollen Manufacturer. Shall within a month after my decease absolutely sell and dispose of by public sale my freehold Messuage. I give and bequeathe my original shared in the Strand Bridge otherwise called the Waterloo Bridge and the Tolls and annuities Theron unto the said Mary Wick Sweeting. Then after her decease to her children namely Mary Ann Sweeting, Sophia Sweeting, Selina Sweeting, Elizabeth ann Sweeting, George Sweeting, Robert Bray Sweeting and Thomas Sweeting. The proceeds from the sale of her Estate to be invested until the said Mary Ann Sophia Sweeting shall attain the age of 18 years and give her one sixth part of the personal estate. The Will repeats this with all six children receiving a sixth part on the age of 18. She appoints the said Thomas Whitty Hallett and William Slsworthy, Executors of her Will. Dated 8th August 1835. Witnessed by Eliza Henning, Charmouth, Spinster, William Bragg’s, Gentleman, John Bullen Solicitor 3 New Inn, London and Charmouth. When Gabriel and Mary Bray first move to the village they briefly move into the Stone House in 1815, before buying Peria, two years later. An early Will by Gabriel in 1817 has Mary Peyton, Spinster of Charmouth as a witness. She is born in Devonport in 1795. In 1820 Gabriel is still renting The Stone House from John Paul and renting Peria to Captain Amos Ferris. The following year he moves In 1823 Dr, Robert Hallett Sweeting marries Mary Wick Peyton in Charmouth Independent Church and is witnessed by Gabriel Bray. Mary Peyton is also a witness on Gabriels Will. They christen their youngest son – Robert Bray Sweeting in 1832 after them. When Mary Bray dies in 1835 she is to leave the house and its contents to them. Mr. Sweeting lived here in 1829 when he was elected Parish Surgeon by the Vestry at a salary of £10 a year for medicine and attendance -not including surgical ... It is this house that Dr Robert Hallett Sweeting later rents from John Hunt who had bought it from John Paul In 1832 The Sweetings are living in the Stone House, seen on the left, which they are renting from John Hunt who had bought it from John Paul in that year. The Tithe Map for 1841 confirms them living there. 1825 Poor Rates for Mrs Bray goes up from 8d to 1s 4d, which may account for work on her house. “ I give and bequeath all my original shares in the Strand Bridge, otherwise called the Waterloo Bridge and the tolls unto Mary Wick Sweeting and then to Robert Hallett Sweeting and on her death to the six children now living of the said Robert Hallett Sweeting and Mary Wick Sweeting his wife, namely Mary Ann Sophia Sweeting,Selina Sweeting, Elizabeth Ann Sweeting,George Hallett Sweeting, Robert Bray Sweeting and Thomas Sweeting. The first bridge on the site was designed in 1807–10 by John Rennie for the Strand Bridge of Life and opened in 1817 as a toll bridge..
Gabriel and Mary Bray were to have no children and their Estate was eventually on the death of Mary go to the four children of Charmouth Doctor, Sweeting. I have produced a Family Tree for all the records I could find to show descendants of the family. It would seem that his brother, John Raven was to have just one daughter, Margaret, who died a spinster in 1892. He had two sisters Mary, who again never married and Margaret who married John Coles and had a son also John, whose descendants are shown as far as I can find them. Gabriel`s brother was born in 1754 and was to lead a completely different life to him. He seems to have spent his whole life in the Deal area. He went to Kings school Canterbury shortly after his brother and took up a life as a farmer for his father, John. In 1793 he married aged 41 Mary Wyborn, who was the Widow of Barnabus Tilt from the village of Smeeth. They had one child, Margaret, born in 1797, who never married and died in1892, aged 95. John was to died in 1823 and his wife in 1854. During the Napoleonic Wars he took up a position of Lieutenant in the Walmer Volunteers and was later promoted to Captain in 1799. He is described as a Farmer and Maltsters in Directories of the time. He had a large Malthouse at the rear of his Manor House and supplied local breweries. After his death in 1823 , his widow carried on with the business with their daughter, Margaret. |
Gabriel`s brother was born in 1754 and was to lead a completely different life to him. He seems to have spent his whole life in the Deal area. He went to Kings school Canterbury shortly after his brother and took up a life as a farmer for his father, John. In 1793 he married aged 41 Mary Wyborn, who was the Widow of Barnabus Tilt from the village of Smeeth. They had one child, Margaret, born in 1797, who never married and died in1892, aged 95. John was to died in 1823 and his wife in 1854. During the Napoleonic Wars he took up a position of Lieutenant in the Walmer Volunteers and was later promoted to Captain in 1799. He is described as a Farmer and Maltsters in Directories of the time. He had a large Malthouse at the rear of his Manor House and supplied local breweries. After his death in 1823 , his widow carried on with the business with their daughter, Margaret. Margaret Bray of Deal being almost blind. I give my freehold farm situated at Smeeth and my one third part of 13 acres of marshland at Dymchurch and one third share of 11 acres of marshland and other land unto my sons, Gabriel Bray, John Raven Bray and my daughter Margaret, the wife of John Coles and my daughter, Mary Bray in four equal portions. The residue to my daughter, Mary Bray whom I appoint sole executrix. Signed Margaret 1801. Proved 1805. This is an extract from Hasted`s History of Kent published in 1799,which shows Gabriel Bray`s father, Admiral Bray living in a fine house at Mongeham near Deal. There is a foot note after this referring to the house being lived in after his death by his son, John Raven Bray. Will of Mary Bray of the borough of Deal in Kent, Spinster. I appoint William Standerson of Founderland in Kent and John East Dixon of Deal, Surgeon to assign the sum of £1000 annuities. To pay unto John Bray Coles the son of my late nephew, John Coles as soon as he attains the age of 25. If he should not attain the age of 25 to my niece, margaret Bray of Mongeham in Kent, Spinster. April 1844 Mary Bray, proved in 1850. |
If any of Gabriel Brays descendants have survived it would have been on his sister Margaret side of the family. She was born in 1751 in Deal and in 1783 married John Coles, who is described in her fathers Will as being a Malt Factor of London. They have just one son, John who is baptism entry in 1785 is shown here. The family lived in Little Trinity Lane in the centre of London. The Street has survived, although dramatically changed as can be seen by the inset photograph. Their son, John is to become a Solicitor in partnership with John Amory , based at 52 Lothbury in London. It is this firm that Gabriel uses for his Will of 1820 and must have known his nephew well. It is a strange coincidence that both John and Margaret Coles died in 1823 within 16 days of each other. This was also the year in which both her brothers - Gabriel and John Raven Bray would die - perhaps there was a family curse! |