Fricker Family |
Fricker family mainly originate from the village of Rode, near Beckington in Somerset.
They also appear regularly in the Parish records for the neighbouring village
of Wingfield. It is perhaps this association with a village where the principle
landowners are the Shrapnels of Midway Manor, that we find them also renting 5-6
St. Margaret's Street in1824 . For it is in this year that the Parish Rate Book
records William Fricker renting the house from General Henry Shrapnel. Later in
1841 his son Henry is living with his family opposite, in what is today "Bay
Tree Art Gallery"(48 St. Margaret's Street) . He is recorded by Jones as
reguilding the Cock on the spire of the Church in 1834. By
1851 Henry appears in the Census living at Shrapnell House (7 St. Margaret's Street).
This record provides us with a glimpse into the life of the Gentleman. He is described
as a Plumber, Painter and Decorator aged 40 who is married to Ann who also originates
from Rode. They have 9 children all of whom are described as Scholars, all born
in Bradford, apart from the eldest who was born in Taunton in 1832. The 1861 Census
shows that he is now a Widower with 5 sons at home all described as Plumbers.
Five years later he marries a widow, Eliza Sedgebeer from Orchardleigh near Frome.
Finally he is able to purchase his house and some neighbouring cottages from Henry
Needham Scrope Shrapnel, son of General Shrapnel in 1858 .He later takes out a
mortgage of £800 from Ann Pickard from Devon to help finance the purchase.
He may well have bought the house earlier and altered its appearance by adding
two Gothic porches on the front. He also adds a number of decorative coloured
widows along the front , no doubt to promote his skills as a Glazier . He seems
to be a master of a number of trades as in various advertisements of the the time
he describes himself as a: Estate Agent, Auctioneer, Plumber, Glazier, Decorator
and Furniture Agent. The building work carried out on the front was no doubt done
by his neighbour Charles Long whose grandson Albert was eventually to purchase
the property from the Frickers in 1925.The 1881 Census reveal Henry now aged 69
living with Elizabeth, aged 61 with a servant, Sarah Burbage. He lives in the
house until he dies in 1899. His son Julius is afterwards shown as the owner renting
it out as two separate cottages. Frank Fielding a Tailor is a tenant from 1905
until 1925. |
entry for the Fricker family in 1841 when they were living directly opposite in
what is now "Bay Tree Gallery" owned by Jane Gibson |
Pigot`s Directory for Wiltshire has a comprehensive listing for Bradford on Avon
in 1842 . A number of those detailed are associated with the property in St. Margaret`s
Street. * William Long, a Stone Mason & Builder is shown as tenant in
1840. *Mary Ann Joyce , a Milliner is the wife of Joseph Joyce who is a tenant
of part of the house in 1841 *William Timbrell who rents part of the house
in 1832 is an Insurance Agent. * Henry Fricker, shown as A Furniture Agent,
Painter and Glazier is to occupy the house for nearly 50 years. *Gideon Fricker,
relation of Henry is a Millwright in the Trowbridge Road. *Thomas Fricker
is a Saddler in St. Margaret's St. * The neighbouring house is for a long
while the residence of the the doctor. It is interesting to see that James Pearce
is entered and in 1841 the new tenant is Joseph Baines, also listed. * Finally
Alfred, James and another James Fricker are listed as tailors in Bradford in 1842 |
of Document Received on the day of the date of written indenture
of and from the within named Anne Pickard the sum of 700 pounds
being the full consideration money within mentioned and expressed to be paid by
her to me signed Henry Fricker witness Henry Shrapnell Solicitor Bradford.
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Anne Pickard in
the presence of Frederick Webber Solicitor Trowbridge. Memorandum left
on 1st day of June 1896 all principle monies and interest within
written mortgage were paid and discharged by Julius Augustus Fricker but
no conveyance was executed by the mortgagor. memoradum that by indenture
dated 25th day March 1914… of first part being …
Emily Fricker and Sarah Agnes Fricker of second part and John Molton of
the third part within mentioned hereditaments 481 482 483 and part 458
were conveyed to the said John Molton and his rights to …
St. Margarets Street home of Henry Fricker and his family in 1841 |
Julius Fricker of Suddon Grange Farm in the County of Somerset on July 4th 1903
being of good health in body and mind and he gives his 3 children now with
him Julius Fricker and Sarah Agnes Fricker and Emily Fricker of the stock on the
farm with the implements , household furniture with three equal money worth My
son Julius to have Herd, Books with Silver Cup and Medals won by the pigs and
my watch and chain Emily and Sarah Agnes to have the contents of Plate Basket
and the other plate on sideboard. My freehold property at Bradford to be
divided between my daughters Mary Parsons Coward, Emily Fricker, Sarah Agnes Fricker.
Hubert Fricker, son of Henry Fricker owes me money and his father said that I
should be paid back if he does Mary Coward shall have this together with the stables
at Bradford on Avon and £100 out of
I appoint my wife Harriett Fricker
Sole Executrix dated 4th July 1913 signed in the presence of each other Julius
A Fricker Testator died at Suddon Grange Farm, Wincanton, Somerest 14th August
of Title to 6 & 7 St. Margarets Street, Bradford on Avon. 4 th December 1919 between
Harriet Fricker of Claremont, Buckhorn Weston, Wncanton, Somerset, Widow of Julius
Augustus Fricker of Suddon Farm, Wincanton, aforsaid Farmer.(1) Mary Parsons Coward,
wife of Arthur LLoyd Coward of Mere, Wilts. Decorator Emily Fricker of Claremont
Buckhorn Weston, Aforesaid, Spinster and Sarah Agnes , Wife of Caggy Pole Farm
Buckhorn Weston Aforesaid Farmer (Vendors) (2) and Albert William Long Builder Reciting
said J.A.Fricker being at time of making his Will and thenceforth to the date
of his deed next thrinar recited seised of or otherwise well and sufficiently
entitled to the messes and hdts therein described and intended to be thereby convyd
in fee simple in posson free from incu-ubs by his Will dated 4th July 1913 gave
his freehold ppty at Bradford on Avon to be divided bwtn his daughters the Vendors
And Testator aptd the sd H.Fricker sole Executrix of that his Will and reciting
the said Testator died on 14th August 1913 without having altered or revoked his
Will and the same was duty proved in the legal Regy of E.J.. High Court of Justice
on 23rd Sept. 1913 by the sd H.Fricker and reciting ammount for sale of £20 AND
RECTG sd H.Fricker assuch legal personal representative as afsd had agreed to
join in abstracing presents in manner thrinar appearg IT WAS WITNED that in
pursuance of. the sd agmt and in conson of the sd sum of £320 paid the sd
H.Fricker as such legal personal resentative as sfsd at the request and by the
diron or the Vendors dicf thrby convy and t e Vendors each as 3.Owner of one equal
undivided third part or s hste or of any other share or intt they or any or either
of them may and by the diron or the Vendors dicf thrby convy and the Vendors each
as B.Chvner of one equal undivided third part or s h»e or of any other share
or intt they or any or either of them may have inthe sd messes and hdts did and
each of then did thrb y convey and confirm to the Purchaser and his hrs ALL
THOSE two messes or dwghse with the yards gardens and appurts thrto adjoining
and belonging eite and being Nos 6and 7 St.Margarets Street in the town and Psh
of Bradford on Avon afsd then in the occupation of Rosina Maud Milliard and Frederick
Frank Fielding all wch sd nesses and hdts wre nod part 456 and 483 on the map
or plan made on the comnmtatn of tithes for the sd Psh of Bradford on Avon Togr
with all such rt of way ars was then vested in the Vendors over the pathway or
lane called Nowhere Lane leading from St.Margarets Hill to the back of the pretns
thrby conveyed or intended so to be TO HOLD the saae unto and to the use of the
Purchaser his hrs and assigns CERTE as to value Executed by the sd H.Fricker
and the Vendors and attested. |
The house on plot tithe
no. 486 (965) we so far can only trace back to about 1761 - 1762 Robert Cooper
assessed at 1/2d was that the other 1/2d part of Richard Gardiner's 2d in 1702?
Or was it part of some one else's total assessment in 1702? The house on plot
tithe no. 487 (964) could be 1/2d of the 3f of Poor Rate belonging to the Kendall's
in 1702 as it seems likely they were all late 17th century houses, that 3d.taken
over by Zachariah Shrapnell II (nephew of Zachariah Shrapnell. Died 1723) from
Widow Kendall in the 1740`s. We know very few people lived in the same house
from 1841 to 1881, but the part time chapel caretaker Thomas Steven's a Cloth
worker occupied 1003. no. 68 in 1891 in St. Margaret's or Morgan's Hill for that
40 year + period. As you will know from your copies of the 1841 and 1851 Census
those living there from 960 (to possibly 961) and 962, 963, 964, 965 and 966 to
970 and ending with971 had a variety of occupations some naturally still connected
to the Cloth Industry. Only about two families there in 1841 were still there
in 1851 and also in 1861 and its not easy to decide or work out if they remained
in the same houses, but one of them was not actually in the lane but in part of
those comprising tithe no. 489.
of Title of Messrs H.E.&S.A. Fricker to nos 8 to 13 (inclusive) St. Margarets
Hill, Bradford on Avon. (1899) 9th October 1866. By Indenture of this
date made between Henry Fricker of the Parish of Bradford in Count)-of Wiltshire
Painter and Glazier of 1st part Eliza Sedgcbecr of Ore hard leigh in county of
Somerset, widow of 2nd Part Edmond George Fricker of Beckington in said county
of Somerset, Painter and Glazier & James Augustus Fricker of Rode in said
County of Somerset, Painter & Glazier of third part. Reciting that a marriage
was intended to be solemnized between said Henry Fricker & E. Sedgebeer &
upon treat)' for same it had been agreed that the several goods, chattels &
premises should be conveniently assigned to said Edmund George Fricker & Julius
Augustus Fricker their heirs, executors and assignees in manner mentioned upon
& for the trusts intents & purposes declared concerning same. Here follows
witnessed in ... aforesaid Henry Fricker did thereby assign unto said Edmund
George Fricker and Julius Augustus Fricker their exs., adds & ass's. First
all those 5 cottages or tenements now occupied as 6 cottages or tenements situated
lying and being in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said parish of Bradford
& where were on 1841 Tythe Mapof Said Parish with the No. 485. Secondly
all that plot of ground sited in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said
parish of Bradford with the messuages or tenements therein erected & built. All
of which said herediaments were more detailed in certain assignments bearing the
dates of 15 Oct, 1858,12 July 1860, October izth, 1860. Being the said purchase
Deeds of said Herediamerits by said Henry Fricker. And all the estate ofTo
hold same unto said Edmund Fricker and Julius Fricker their Exs, Ads, & Ass's
for all the residues then- unexpired of the said terms of years then subsisting
therein created by the several indres of lease mentioned. In the respective of
Assignment above mentioned. At rents & subject to covenants & conditions
in the several leases contained on lessees part their exs., ads., & ass's.,
to be observed upon& for the trusts, intentions & purposes & subject
to the powers provisos declared concerning same............ Upon trust to pay
to said Elizabeth Sedgebeer if she survived said Henry Fricker out of moneys in
hands of said Edmund & Julius Fricker their heirs, executors, etc. £50
, also to Emma Matilda Tucker, the wife of Arthur Tucker the like sum of £50
& also to each of the sons of said Henry Fricker who should be carrying on
business of said Henry Fricker at time of his decease the like sum of £50
but if neither of them were carrying on such business they were not to receive
same & on payments of such several sums upon trust for said Elizabeth Sedgebeer
for her natural life without impeachment of waste & after decease of survivor
of them said Henry Fricker & Elizabelh Sedgebeer. Upon trust for Henry
Edmund Fricker, Frederick Daniel Fricker, Julius Augustus Fricker, Sidney Austin
Fricker, Ann Sophia Anderson, wife of Joshua Hosier, said E.M. Tucker sons &
daughters of said Henry Fricker & Marianne Sedge beer, daughter of said Elizabeth
Sedgebeer, their heirs, Executors, etc to be equally divided between them
share & share alike as tenants in common & as joint tenants........ ............................................... Said
intended marriage between said Henry Fricker & Elizabeth Sedgeabeer solemnised.
28 th August 1894 Said Edmund George Fricker died18 th May 1887. By
his will of this date said Julius Augustus Fricker appointed his wife Elisabeth
Fricker his sole Extrix. 16th October 1894 - Said Julius Augustus Fricker died. 7th
November 1894 - Said will of Julius Fricker proved in the Wells District Probate
Registry by said Elizabeth Fricker. 19th March 1898 . By Indres of this date
made between said Elizabeth Fricker of one part and Henry Edmund Fricker of Frome
in company of Somerset, Hotel Keeper & Julius Augustus Fricker of Burton Farm
in, Wiltshire, Farmer of one part. And reciting that said Elizabeth Fricker
was desirous of being discharged from said trust of said Indre of settlement I
had therefore determined to appoint said Henry Edward Fricker & Julius Augustus
Fricker to be trustees thereof in manner..
indenture made the first day of February 1868 between Henry Fricker of Bradford
on Avon, plumber and glazier ( herein called the mortgager of the one part and
Anne Pickard of West Ashton in the County of Wiltshire, spinster (herein called
the Mortgagee) of the other part Whereas the said Mortgager is seized of or
otherwise will entitled to the hereditaments and premises herein after firstly
described and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed for an estate of inheritance
in fee simple in possession free from all encumbrances and is also possessed of
or otherwise well entitled to the premises also hereinafter described and intended
to be hereby assigned that is the portion of them herein after secondly described
for the residue of a term of 1000 years created by a certain Indenture
of Lease dated the first day of February 1695 and the remainder of them
hereinafter. described for the residue of another term of 1000 years and having
occasion for the sum of £700 hath applied and requested of the said
Mortgagee to lend and advance him the same which she hath agreed to do having
the repayment thereof with interest secured as hereinafter mentioned now this
Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement in consideration
of the sum of £700 to the said Mortgager paid by the said Mortgagee immediately
before the execution of these presents the receipt whereof the said Mortgager
doth herby acknowledge the said Mortgager doth by those present grant unto the
said Mortgagee her heirs and assigns Firstly all that Messuage or Mansion House
now in the possession of the said Mortgager situate lying and being in St Margaret's
Street in the town and Parish of Bradford in the County of Wiltshire with
the offices gardens paddock stable coach house yard and garden to the same
adjoining and belonging and which are marked on the Tithe Map of the said
Parish with the numbers 457, 482 and 458 in the Book of Reference to the
said map stated to contain together 5 roods and 1 perch (and also all those
workshops with the land, outbuildings and erections and premises belonging
thereto adjoining the last described hereditaments leading out into Nowhere
Lane and numbered 488 and the said Tithe Map and in the said Book of Reference
therefore said stated 8 perches and which said workshops formally consisted
of three cottages or tenements but have recently been converted into workshops
by the said Henry Fricker and which are now in or lately was in his possession
and part of the same in the occupation of Charles Long Builder. And also all
those 2 messuages or tenements formally one messuage, also situate in St Margaret's
Street aforesaid and adjoining the Mansion House first described with the yard
and outhouses to the same belonging no 456 on the same Tithe Map and in the
said Book of Reference stated to contain 14 perches) and also in those 4 tenements
or dwelling houses with their yard and garden passage and appurtenances to the
same belonging and adjoining on the north side of the Mansion House first described
also situated on the same street called St Margaret's Street and numbered 459
on the said Tithe Map and in the said Book of Reference thereto stated to
contain 14 perches more or less and now or lately in the several occupations
of Thomas Jones, Frederick King, James Holton and one void. And also all those
2 tenements or dwelling houses with the stable yard, garden and appurtenances
to the same belonging in situate lying and being on Morgan's Hill in the said
town and Parish of Bradford aforesaid nos. 481 and 483 on the said Tithe Map
and in the said Book of Reference hereby stated to contain 8 perches more or less
together with all or singular fixtures houses, outhouses, edifices, buildings,
walls, fences, hedges, ditches, water, watercourses, sewers, gutters, drains,
backsides, rights, lights, privileges, easements, advantages, members, and appurtenances
to the said hereditaments and premises belonging or appertaining to hold the said
several messuages mansion House messuages or tenements gardens yards paddock stables
coach house workshops cottages hereditaments and all other the premises hereby
granted or intended so to be and every part thereof with their and every of their
appurtenances unto the said Mortagagee her heirs and assigns subject to the provision
of redemption hereinafter contained And this indenture further witnesses that
in further pursuance of the aforesaid agreement and for the consideration aforesaid
that the said Mortgagor doth assign unto the said Mortgagee her executors administrators
and assigns Secondly All those 4 Cottages or tenements with the plot piece
parcel of ground occupied as garden or gardens to the same situate lying and being
at a place called the Square on Morgan's Hill in the Town and parish of
Bradford in the said County of Wilts now or late in the respective occupation
of Joseph Bainton, Robert Jones and William Bainton and the other said Thirdly
and also all those 5 several Messuages or Tenements situate and being at
or near Saint Margaret's Hill in the Parish of Bradford aforesaid and adjoining
the last described Cottages or Tenements and now or late in the respective
occupation of Joseph Austin, William Uncles, Rachel Wheeler, Alfred Bryant and
William Hesart(?) And all the rights easements and appurtenances to the said
premises respectively belonging to have and to hold the said cottages or tenements
gardens, and premises hereinafter or expressed and intended to be unto the said
Mortgagee her executors and administrators and assigns for all the residues and
remainders now to come and unexpired of the said several terms of 1000 years
and 1000 years and subject to the said proviso for redemption hereinafter contained
Provided also that the said mortgager his heirs, executors administrators or assigns
shall on the 1st august next pay the said mortgagee her executors or administrators
or assigns the sum of £700 with interest for the same in the meantime after
the rate of £5 for £100 by the year without any deduction or
abatement whatsoever except the property or income tax then the Mortgagee
signed Henry Fricker and Ann Pickard
of Document
Received on the day of the date of written indenture of and from the within named
Anne Pickard the sum of 700 pounds being the full consideration
money within mentioned and expressed to be paid by her to me signed Henry
Fricker witness Henry Shrapnell Solicitor Bradford. Signed sealed
and delivered by the within named Anne Pickard in the presence of Frederick Webber
Solicitor Trowbridge. Memorandum left on 1st day of June 1896
all principle monies and interest within written mortgage were paid and discharged
by Julius Augustus Fricker but no conveyance was executed by the mortgagor.
memoradum that by indenture dated 25th day March 1914…
of first part being … Emily Fricker and Sarah Agnes Fricker of second
part and John Molton of the third part within mentioned hereditaments
481 482 483 and part 458 were conveyed to the said John Molton
and his rights to … |
indenture made 17th day October 1874 between Henry Fricker of Bradford
on Avon in the County of Wiltshire, Plumber of the one part and Julius
Augustus Fricker of Laverton in the County of Somerset farmer
of the other part witness that in consideration of the Covenant hereinafter contained
in the part of the said Julius Augustus Fricker his heirs executors and administrators
for payment of the sum of £700 and interest to Anne Pickard the
mortgagee of the hereditaments and premises intended to be hereby granted
and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid to the said Henry Fricker by
the said Julius Augustus Fricker on the execution hereof the receipt whereof the
said Henry Fricker doth hereby acknowledge and at the same performance of the
convenant are in full for the absolute purchase of the equity of redemption estate
claim and demand of the said Henry Fricker in the said hereditaments and premises.
He the said Henry Fricker doth hereby grant release and confirm unto
the same Julius Augustus Fricker his heir and assigns all that
messuage or Mansion House now or lately in the possession of the said
Henry Fricker situate lying and being in St Margaret's Street in the town
and Parish of Bradford in the County of Wiltshire with the offices gardens paddock
stable coach house yard and garden to the same adjoining and belonging and which
are marked on the Tythe Map of the said Parish with the numbers 457, 482
and 458 in the Book of Refence to the said map stated to contain together
5 roods and 1 perch (and also all those workshops with the land, outbuildings
and erections and premises belonging thereto adjoining the last described
hereditaments leading out into Nowhere Lane and numbered 488 and
the said Tythe Map and in the said Book of Reference therefore said stated 8 perchases
and which said workshops formally consisted of three cottages or tenements
but have recently been converted into workshops by the said Henry Fricker
and which are now in or lately was in his possession and part of the same in
the occupation of Charles Long Builder. And also all those 2 messuages
or tenements formally one messuage, also situate in St Margaret's Street
aforesaid and adjoining the Mansion House first described with the yard and
outhouses to the same belonging no 456 on the same Tythe Map and in the
said Book of Reference stated to contain 14 perchase) and also in those 4 tenements
or dwelling houses with their yard and garden passage and appurtancies to
the same belonging and adjoining on the north side of the Mansion House
first described also situated on the same street called St Margaret's Street and
numbered 459 on the said Tythe Map and in the said Book of Reference thereto
stated to contain 14 purchases more or less and now or lately in the several occupations
of Thomas Jones, Frederick King, James Holton and one void. And also all those
2 tenements or dwelling houses with the stable yard, garden and appertenancies
to the same belonging in situate lying and being on Morgan's Hill in the
said town and Parish of Bradford aforesaid nos 481 and 483 on the said
Tythe Map and in the said Book of Reference hereby stated to contain 8 perches
more or less together with all or singular fixtures houses, outhouses, edifices,
buildings, walls, fences, hedges, ditches, water, watercourses, sewers, gutters,
drains, backsides, rights, lights, privileges, easements, advantages, members,
and appurtenancies to the said hereditaments and premises belonging or appertaining
and all the estate and interest and benefit of redemption, claim and demand both
legal and acquittable of him the said Henry Fricker therein and thereto to have
and to hold the said messuages Mansion House tenements shops gardens land yard
paddock stables coach house cottages hereditaments and all and singular other
the premises herein before expressed and intended to be hereby granted with their
and every of their appertancies subject nevertheless to the aforesaid mortgage
security and to the payment of the said principle sum of £700 all interest
now or hereafter to become due for the same unto the said Julius Augustus Fricker
and his heirs. To the use of the said Julius Augustus Fricker his heirs and assigns
and the said Julius Augustus Fricker doth hereby declare that no woman who he
may leave his widow shall be entitled to dower unto or out of the said land hereditaments
in witness whereof the said parties to those present have set their hands and
seals this day and year first above written Mr Henry Fricker and Julius
Augustus Fricker . |
on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1899, at Six for Seven o` clock in the evening
(subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced ) the under-mentioned
FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, in the Parish of Bradford-on-Avon, namely:- Lot
1 - SIX STONE-BUILT TENEMENTS (unoccupied and in ruins) with the outbuildings,
yards, and Premises, numbered and being 8 to 13 inclusive, St. Margaret's
Hill. The Lot has a frontage to Nowhere Lane of about 95 feet. This lot
will be sold for the remainder of the term for which the same is held (which
is supposed to be 1,000 years) and subject to any ground or other rent payable
in respect thereof. Lot
2 NINE STONE BUILT and STONE TILED TENEMENTS with the Gardens and Premises,
numbered and being 20 to 26 inclusive, St. Margaret's Hill, and 6 and 7,
St. Margaret's Steps, and now or late in the respective occupations of Edward
James Brown, Ellen Comely, Samuel Bray, George Bainton, and others, and producing
when fully let a gross rental of £32 12s 8d. per annum. The purchaser
of this lot will not be entitled to the closet and water tap on the adjoining
site belonging to Mr. Julius Fricker. As to five of the Cottages in this Lot,
the same will be sold for the residue of a term of 1,000 years and subject
to a yearly rent of 11s. Lot
3.- 12 FREEHOLD Substantially STONE BUILT and SLATED TENEMENTS, with the outbuildings
and Gardens behind, and at the sides thereof, numbered and being Nos.
24 to 35 inclusive Wine Street,in the respective occupations of Frank Comely,
Charles Morris, James Young, Eliza Comely. and others and producing when fully
let a gross rental of £35 0s 8d per annum.The Land in the rear on
the west side of this Lot extends only to the wood fence, lately erected as
a boundary to the adjoining property belonging to Mr. Henry Fricker. Lot
the Fore Court and Gardens in front, and the large Gardens behind the same,
containing 38 perches (more or less), numbered and being 40to 43 and 49 to
52 inclusive, Wine Street, now or late in the respective occupations of
George Burton, Mrs. Fisher, and others, and producing when fully let a gross
rental of £22 5s per annum.Water is laid on, and the properties are
mostly drained to the main sewer. The Lots will be sold subject to Land Tax
of 18s 9d per annum. To
view, apply on the Premises, or to Mr. H.H. Fricker, 10 St. Margaret's Street.
Any further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneers, Church Street,
Trowbridge: or of Messrs. COLLINS,MANN,& RODWAY. Solicitors, Trowbridge.
records that Henry Fricker re-guilds the Cock on the Church Tower. (page 160 and
page 29) |