Extract from Canon Jones History of Bradford on Avon:
In A.D. 1001 Ethelved materially increased the possessions of the Abbess of Shaftesbury
by bestowing upon her the Monastery and Vill (i.e. the Manor) of Bradford; such
a gift implying that at this time the manor was in the hands of the king. It was
given, to use Leland's words, " for a recompence of the murdering of S. Edward
his brother ; " of which deed, though it was carried out by the orders of
Elfnda, Ethelred was supposed not to be wholly guiltless. The Charter, by which
he granted to the Abbess this addition to her revenues, is still in existence.
It ia to be found among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum.The charter ia
an interesting document, as it gives us an account not only of the specific object
for which Ethelred bestowed Bradford upon the Abbess, but also distinctly marks
out (insomuch that we can for the most part trace them now) the boundaries of
the Vill and Manor, or, as we should say, the Parish. On the former point Ethelred
states that "he gave to the Church of St. Edward at Shaftesbury the monastery
and vill of Bradeford, to be always subject to it, that therein might be found
a safe refuge (his exact words are " impenetra-Hle confucfium") for
the nuns against the insults of the Danes, and a hiding-place also for the relics
of the blessed martyr St. Edward and the rest of the saints," He expresses
moreover his wish " that on the restoration of peace, if such were vouchsafed
to his kingdom, the nuns should return to their ancient place, but, that some
of the family should still remain at Bradford if it be thought fit by their superior."
It was indeed at an eventful crisis that he granted this charter. The miseries
of his troublous reign seem to have well nigh reached their culminating point.
Again and again had meetings of the Witena-gemote been held, their deliberations
issuing only in the fatal step of buying off with large sums of money the opposition
of their dreaded foe. In this very year of which we are speaking, the Northmen
devastated Waltham, Taunton,*and Clifton, and were only induced to desist from
further ravages by the immense bribe of £24,000. What was precisely meant
by Bradford being called "impenetrable confugium" is not very clear.
Probably it was by no means easy of access to a large armed force, and, in the
event of their approach, the surrounding woods would furnish a secure hiding-place
for the members of the sisterhood. However, hither the Danes came, and within
a few years at most from this time, the monastery is said to have been levelled
with the ground. That most treacherous act of Ethelred, by which, on St. Brice's
day, A.D. 1002, he ordered an indiscriminate massacre of the Danes, who, trusting
to his promises, deemed themselves living at peace with him, exasperated them
to madness, and they spared nothing. It is not improbable that either in the year
1003, when Sweyn laid waste Wiltshire, or in 1013, when, at Bath, he received
the submission of the Ealdorman Ethelmar and the rest of the Western Thanes, our
monastery fell. After 1016, the date of the accession of Canute the Dane, to the
throne of England, it was not likely that the Northmen would destroy what then
they might fairly reckon as their own. On the second point,-viz., the limits
of the Manor of Bradford,-the charter is very explicit. This portion of the deed
is not written, as the remaining parts of it are, in Latin, but in Anglo-Saxon,
and that of a very late period and consequently of an impure character. We append
a copy of it, together with a translation, side by side. Kemble's text, which
has been adopted, is the nearest probably to the original, but even this, being
a corrupt transcript of the Semi-Saxon period, presents so many difficulties,
in addition to those usual in Anglo-Saxon boundaries, that the translation must
be received, in several instances, only as a conjectural approximation to the
true reading. In the accompanying map, (Plate i.) all included within the dotted
line represents the original manor, as described in the following extract from
the charter. First, from seven pear trees on that military way that shoots
southward without Acceslegle(1) farm out of Wrindes holt(2) and so along the military
way to AElfwin's stile (leap-gate) ; from the stile forth by his balk to
the Avon; so forth by the stream to the Biss ;(3) then up the Biss on the right;
so along on the right till you come to Brisnode's balk(4) (the shoe-maker's ?);
forth by his balk to Swinbrook ,(1) forth by the brook to Pomeroy; out through
Pomeroy to Tellesford; forth with the stream till you come to AElfwerd's landmark
at Wutenham;(2) thence from wigewen(3) brook forth by Leofwin's boundary to the
Avon ; forth by the Avon till you come to Freshford the boundary of the Abbot
in Mitford ; from the ford you go by the Abbot's boundary ; then back to the Avon;
so on there by the Avon till you come to the Abbot's boundary at Warleigh; so
by the Abbot's boundary to AElf gar's boundary at Farleigh; forth by his boundary
till you come to the King's boundary at Haselbury ;(l) forth by the King's boundary
till you come to AElfgar's boundary at Atworth; forth by by his boundary till
you come to Leofwin's landmark at Corsham; from that boundary to the alderman's
boundary at Witley; forth by that boundary till you come to AElfwy's boundary
at Broughton to the wood(2) that runs into Broughton; again at seven (1) pear
trees; forth by AElfnode`s boundary to Aethelwin`s boundary at Chalfield; from
this boundary to the boundary of Aelfwine theTreasurer (?); forth by his boundary
to AElphwin's boundary at Broughton; back to the pear trees. It will be seen,
that as far as we can trace with accuracy the description given in the charter
of the extent of the ' vill of Bradford,' it includes, not only the present boundaries
of the parish, but the parishes of Winfield, Westwood, and a part of what is now
in the parish of Farleigh Hungerford. Of Westwood we may say, in passing, that,
though in a different hundred from Bradford, and in many respects quite independent
of it, it has from time immemorial been held jointly with Bradford. As early as
1299, in the reign of Edward I., it is spoken of as the 'Chapel of Westwode in
the parish of Bradford,' one "John de Waspre" being named as "Pa-tronus";
and "Eobert de Hauvyle" as, "Clericus."(2). It must have been
severed from the manor of Bradford no long time after the date of this gift to
Shaftesbury, for we find it bestowed on Winchester Bishopric by Queen Emma, mother
of Edward the Confessor.
1.Acces-legle farm. The
original meaning of this word was Oak's-leigh. In our word a-corn (A.S. de-corn
i.e. the seed of the oak,) we have preserved the original spelling. By degrees
Oak's-leigh was corrupted into Ox-ley, and now into Oxenleaze, the present name
of the farm, It is situated in the Holt Tithing at the eastern extremity of the
parish of Bradford, just where the road branches off to Melksham. These seven
pear trees,-(by the way, one is tempted to read wiSien, that is, withies, instead
of pirien, pear trees, the words being easily mistaken for one another when written
in Anglo-Saxon characters)-were planted as landmarks, to denote the spot where
the parishes of jBroughton, Melksham, and Bradford met. Kemble notices the frequency
with which the withy is mentioned in describing boundaries in A.S. charters. (Cod.
Dip. iii. Introd. p. xli.) 2.Wrindes holt i.e. wood. A great part of
this Tithing, as its name denotes, was no doubt originally wood-land. May Wrindes
holt have been corrupted first of all into ' Bunt's Holt' and, in course of centuries,
into ' Bunt's Hall' ? The situation of the last-mentioned place sufficiently corresponds
with the description in the charter to give some colour to the supposition. \Rinde,
a thicket, small wood. Halliwell.~\ 3.The Biss. This river, on which Trowbridge
is situated, enters the Avon by Lady Down Farm. The meadow at that point is called
Biss-Mouth Meadow. 4.Brisnode's balk. By this word, which has not yet
passed out of use in Wiltshire, we translate the Anglo-Saxon ' land-schare,' which
denotes the ridges or other boundaries, by which one estate was divided frojji
another. This land-share must be on the eastern side of Trowle common., commeno-Jng
possibly from the point where the road from Bradford ttf Trowbridge waves the
former parish. In Andrews and Dury's map (1773) the stream which flows into the
Biss at this point is called ' The Were,' and is repre. sented as rising near
Southwick. This may perhaps explain Camden's statement, that Trowbridge is situated
on the Were. (Brittaunia wbson's edition), i. 199.) In the accompanying map, the
Were is J-presented as forming the south eastern boundary of Bradford parish.
*ais is not the case with respeot to the present boundaries, several portions
on the eastern side of the stream being in Trowbridge. Originally all this part
was common land. As from time to time the common has been enclosed, allotments
of various portions of it have been made to the different parishes, whose inhabitants
had the right of pasturage upon it. In olden times, possibly the stream formed
the boundary of ' the Manor.' 1 Swinbrook. This name has now been lost.
I can have little doubt however, that it was the original name of the brook which
forms, for the most part, the southern boundary of Winfield (now spelt Wingfield
or Winkfield) parish. This brook rises in Pomeroy, and flows in a Southeastern
[? eastern] direction, till it empties itself into the Were. Winfield, in Domesday
Book is written Wine-fel. Does the name of the brook give us the key to the original
name of the parish ? In the immediate vicinity are several fields that bear the
name of Hook-woods, which looks very much like a corruption of Hog-woods, a name
still preserved at Hinton-Charter-house, about three miles from the spot in question. 2
Wutenham. This name is now lost. We meet with the name ' Withenham,' however,
in the Wilts Institutions, several presentations to the Church of that parish
being therein recorded. The Church stood> most probably, half-way between Westwood
Church and Farleigh Bridge, at a point where four roads meet. Tradition preserves
the fact of there having been a church there, and a separate hamlet and parish,
called Rowley alias Withenham. In 1428, the church being dilapidated, Walter,
Lord Hungerford obtained permission to unite " Withenham alias Rowley "
Church and parish with Farleigh. This is the reason why, to this day, Farleigh
Hungerford parish stands partly in Somerset and partly in Wilts. There were two
distinct manors. Withenham, held by the Hungerfords under the Lord Zouche; Rowley,
held by them under the Abbess of Shaftesbury. The name and manor of Bowley still
survives. Captain Gaisford's property, called Wiltshire Park, is part of it, and
a lane there is still called Bowley lane. Withenham was probably on the Winfield
side of the lane, as in Domesday Book it is mentioned next to Wine-fel and was
held by the same person. It most likely spread over that portion of ground which
lies between the cross in the lanes, already alluded to, and Stowford. 3
Wige wen brook. There is no name at all like this, (the literal meaning of which
is 'war-chariot,') given to any brook in the direction indicated, at the present
time. Andrews and Dury designate a portion of the stream ' Iford Brook.' The present
boundary line of the parish of Westwood leaves the river at Iford (which is partly
in Westwood andpartly in Freshford parish) and bearing first of all to the west
and then to the north-east, reaches the Avon very near to the point where the
river Frome empties itself into it. In a charter of Ethelred (A.D. 987,) printed
in Eemble's Cod. Dipl. iii. 229, we find Iford spelt Ig-ford, that is, ' island
ford,' from which we may infer that there was, no doubt, a brook or rivulet formerly,
though we have lost the trace of it. [This wigewen brook must surely have been
the Frome, which is not here mentioned by that name.] 1 Haselbury. This is
now the name of a Farm-house, with spacious premises, the remains of its former
importance, in the parish of Box. John Leland was entertained there by John Bonham
in 1541. Formerly there was a Church at Haselbury, though all traces of it have
now been lost. The estate belongs to the Norlthey family. [See vol. i. p. 144,
of this Magazine.] The name of King's Down, which is in the immediate vicinity
of Haselbury, preserves the memorial of the fact recited in the charter that the
Crown formerly had possessions there. 2The Wood that runs into Broughton.
Though most traces of this wood nave disappeared, yet there is no doubt that the
north-western part of this parish
was, in early times, thickly covered with wood. Several portions of ground in
that part of Broughton still bear names which indicate this fact, snch as, Broughton
Woods, Light Woods, &c. 1 Seven pear-trees. These can hardly be
the same trees, already alluded to. These trees were no doubt planted at the point
where the parishes of Broughton, Chalfield, and Bradford (Atworth) met. 2
Wilts Institutions, sub anno 1299.