in early documents to the Shrapnells and their family |
of Henry Shrapnell (1605-1681) died aged aged 76
the Name of God Amen I Henry Shrapnell the elder of Bradford in the county
of Wiltshire, Cooper . to be decently buried in the Church yard
at Bradford I give and bequeath unto my son Henry one shilling, I give
unto my daughter Mary Deverell the wife of Anthony Deverell one
shilling. I give unto the four children of my daughter Rebecca Alderwicke
the sums of five shillings a year of good money. I give unto my daughter
Edith Hodges, wife of John Hodges one shilling. I give unto my daughter
Alice Marvin, wife of Robert Marvin one shilling And my will so that forty
shillings which there fore Robert Marvin with unto me shall be equally divided
between his two children I give unto my grandchild Hanna Shrapnell,
daughter of John Shrapnell, one bed, Bolster, two pillows, two coverlets,
two blankets, curtains and vallens, one chest, one Joyns Chair, one Joyn Stool,
one pair of Andyers, Fire pans and Tongs and one skillett. I give unto my
daughter Ann Webb, wife of Francis Webb the sum of ten shillings of good
money and I give unto Sarah Webb, my Grandchild one chest now in the possession
of the aforesaid Francis Webb All the rest and residue of my personal estate,
goods and chattels, what nature sooner any where to be found, or had, not
herein before given and bequeathed I do give unto my son John Shrapnell of
Trowbridge, in the County of Wiltshire, Cooper, Henry Shrapnelll 1681 |
of Henry Shrapnell (1625-1688) died aged aged 63
In the name of God
Amen the last will & testament of Henry Shrapnell of Bradford in the
County of Wilts, Cooper made & signed the 19th day of April A.D.
1688 in manner & form following ... unto Ann my dear & loving wife
I give & bequeath all the goods & various stuff that was hers
before our Marriage and brought to Bradford and unto her also I give &
bequeath the sum of £150 of gold . That what money is owed my wife
at Taunton . a mortgage in Melksham ..that theses bonds in my name or
Hobards name Also unto my said wife I give and bequeath all such provision
I shall have in my house towards house keeping at the day of my decease together
with all wood for .. For the fine and my will is further that so long by me after
my decease as my wife shall continue in Bradford she shall have the use
of any of my household goods as are fitting for her house keeping leaving
the same to my son Noah at her marriage or from thence unto my son Zachariah to
give and bequeath my ground called Puddocks for all my therein paying out
of the same pounds of lawful money of England unto the first child that my
daughter Elizabeth shall have he attain the age of one & twenty years
and he or his executors shall not then pay the same ten pounds to such child then
in my will that child shall from thence forth have & to hold ground for at
for me then to thereon item unto my daughter Elizabeth I give and bequeath
one broad piece of gold and unto my daughter in law .. Buckthought I give
& bequeath a gunny and unto her brother Robert's two children I give
& bequeath ten shillings a piece and unto a widower viz, Ann Batchellor,
Mary Ruth, Mary Rogers & Alice Holbrook Henry Shrapnell |
of John Hodges, father in law of William Kendall, 1715 I
John Hodges of Ashley in the Parish of Bradford in the County of Wiltshire, Serge
maker, I give unto my daughter Mary Kendall and her assigns all
that my tiled houses at Ashley in the parish of Bradford and all that Close
of Ground called House Croft and Street Closes
Item I give to my
daughter in law Mary Hodges the house that Richard Hollyday lives in on
Morgans Hill Item I give to Mary Kendall, daughter of William Kendall
and her assigns all that the House that George Foxell (?) lives in on Morgans
Hill and backside and way there to belonging during the term that is on if
thee paying the Lord sent to Mr Shrapnell and also I give to the said Mary £10
in money. Item I give to my son in law William Kendall and Mary his wife
the House that Mr Mathew Smith lives in on Morgans Hill I give to the
said William Kendall the furnace and boiler of mine that is in the brewhouse thereof
belonging also I give him £5 in money. Item I give unto John Kendall
, son of William Kendall the house and Garden and all the Ground below the wall,
that William Kelston lives in Bearfield to him and his heirs for ever and also
I give to said John the Loom that is in the said house and 40 shillings in money. Item
I give unto Edith , now daughter of the said William Kendall the House and garden
that John Hawkins lives in Bearfield. I do nominate and appoint my daughter
Mary Kendall to be whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testatment
.. Thomas Bush, John Brouse and John Willett to be Trustess of this is my last
will and Testament unto whom I do give 5 shillings appoint in Witness whereof
I do hereunto lett my hand and seal this second day of January 1715, sealed, signed
and published in presence of Edward Baily, Thomas Holbrook, Thomas Bush Jnr. |
of Zachariah Shrapnell ( 1662-1723)died aged aged 61
the Name of God Amen I Zachariah Shrapnell of Bradford in the County of
Wilts, Clothier I give unto my loving Nephew Zachariah Shrapnell,
Eldest son of my Brother Noah Shrapnell All those my Messuages, Lands
being in the several parishes of Bradford aforesaid Wingfield, Trowbridge
and elsewhere in. the said County of Wiltshire. I give and bequeath
unto my said brother Noah Shrapnell and Grace his Wife £300 of lawful
Money of ...which were by Deeds in the Lifetime of my said dear father
deceased settled by him in Trust for me and which upon my Death without issue
will by the said last mentioned Deeds pass unto my said Brother by Survivorship....
shall grant convey and assure unto my said Nephew all that Messuage,
Closes, Lands and Heridiaments situate at Leigh in the Parish of Bradford
aforesaid with my said Dear Father gave to my said Brother Noah, Item
I give and bequeath unto the four children of said brother Noah Shrapnell
(to wit) unto my Nephew John Shrapnell £400 . Item I give
and bequeath unto my niece Ann Shrapnell £400 Item I give and
bequeath unto my Nephew Henry Shrapnell £100 t Item I
give and bequeath unto my niece Grace Rodbard, wife of Aron Rodbard of Taunton,Fuller
one annuity of £5 by equal quarterly payments by and out of
the Rents and profits of my Estate in Bradford aforesaid. I also give
and bequeath unto my said Niece Grace Rodbard £100 Item
I give and bequeath unto my dear Sister Elizabeth Deane one annuity
or yearly payment of £15 I
have already given to my Niece Elizabeth Davis another of the said Daughters of
the said Noah Shrapnell on her Marriage with Henry Davis of Frampton Cotterell
in the County of Gloucester, Gentleman I have promised to give £100
to such child or children to be born of their two bodies Item I
give to my said dear brother Noah and Henry Davis and Elizabeth his wife a suit
of Mourning to each and every of them. Item I give unto my cousin Samuel
Shrapnell, Bradford aforesaid Iron Monger and to my cousin John Shrapnell
Cloth Drawer and to Doctor Anslowe also of Bradford and to each
of them Black Cloth sufficient to make the mourning. Item I give my cousin
John Bailward of Bradford aforesaid dark grey Cloth sufficient to make him
a suit of Mourning. Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Bishop (now wife
of John Bishop of Bradford aforesaid), Scribbler in case she shall survive
her said husband the use of their now dwelling house in Bradford I
give unto John Harris of Bradford Husbandman and Ann his wife and to each of them
a suit of Mourning suitable to their degree and quality- I give and
bequeath unto the poor of Bradford 40 shillings to be disposed of to them
in Bread at the discretion of my executor hereafter named. Item I give
and bequeath unto Peter Gibbs of Freshford and to the said John Bailward £20
I give to Elizabeth Wastfield, daughter of William Wastfield a suit of
Mouming. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Kervill my said Nephew
Zachariah Shrapnell and my said cousin John Bailward to be overseers of
this my Will Zachariah Shrapnell dated 17th May 1723. Witnessed by
John Bailward, John Clark Jnr, William Wastfield, John Shrapnell |
Marriage Settlement between Zacahriah Shrapnell(1694-1761) and Elizabeth Minifree
(1726-1797) of Staplegrove Jas. Minifie, Sergemaker of Staplegrove, near Taunton,
Somerset.(W.R.O. 212b - 489) A
Marriage settlement for the wedding of Zaccariah Shrapnell to Elizabeth Minifree
in 1724 Zaccariah Shrapnell, Clothier Marriage Settlement of a New House at
Wingfield, Westwood, Wingfield + 6 Messuages in St. Margarets St + Morgans Hill
in Bradford. (1) Shrapnell, Zacahariah (2) Minifrie, James, Esq. Of Staplegrove.
(3) Minifrie, Elizabeth, Spinster, Daughter of James. (4) Clarke, Jepp esq, of
Ninehead, Somereset. Henry Shrapnell of Taunton Dean, brother of Zachariah. (5)
Camplin, Thomas, Clerk of Brenton Ralph. John Bailward, Gent of Bradford. 1
st page of document deals with new built house (Midway Manor) at Wingfield
and a list of related fields. The second sheet details:
half acre
of Pasture lying by the Highway leading from Bradford to Westwood which last said
mentioned premises are situate lying and being in the Parish of Bradford and Wingfield
aforesaid and were lately purchased by the said Zaccariah Shrapnell partly are
to him and his heirs in Fee Simple from Richard Guppy and others and also
all those six several messuages or tenements and premises with their appurtenances
there to belonging situate and being in a street or place called St. Margaret`s
Street and Morgans Hill in Bradford aforesaid and now or lately were
in the Tenure or occupation of the said John Bailward, Anthony Sims, Sarah
Hopkins, James Morris, Robert Deverall, and Elianor Alderwick, and all houses
, outhouses and ediffices, Buildings, Barnes, Stables, Orchards, Garden, Lands,
Meadows, Pastures
. Released to said Jepp Clarke and Henry Shrapnell, their assigns
term of 500 years to said Thomas Camplin and John Bailward, their executors
Elizabeth Minifree
intended wife
. Said Thomas Camplin and John Bailward
Will of Zachariah Shrapnel (1724-1796) died aged 72
Zachariah Shrapnel of Bradford in the County of Wilts. Esq. I give and devise
unto my good friends Richard Atwood of Turleigh in the Parish of Bradford,
Esq. and Joseph Smith of Bradford aforesaid Gentleman and their heirs all
that my mansion House wherein I now Dwell situate and being in St. Margaret's
Street in Bradford aforesaid together with the offices, Garden, Paddock,
Stable, Chaise House and appurtenances hereunto belonging and near adjoining.
Also all that Messuage or tenement near adjoining to the said Mansion
House in St. Margaret's Street aforesaid with New Workshop and other Appurtenances
thereunto belonging now in the Occupation and Renting of Benjamin Richardson,
Cloth worker. Also all that Messuage or Tenement Situate at the Bottom
of a place called "Nowhere Lane" in Bradford aforesaid with the
New Building adjoining and Appurtenances belonging now in the occupation
and renting of Richard Sheppard and also those several Quit
or reserved Rents issuing and payable out of the divers tenements being
in St. Margaret's Hill in Bradford aforesaid. Also all those scattered
or dispersed Lands commonly called Beggars Bush , Little Field and Tyning,
Prentite(?) Land, Baily's Barn, figure(?) Winter Leaze and Raynard in Bradford
and in adjoining Parishes and now in occupation of Thomas Harding, James Biggs
and Farmer Crook(?) and some of those in my own occupation Also all those
three tenements with the two closes of Pasture grounds there to belonging
with Right of Common appertaining situate and being in Bradford Leigh in
the Parish of Bradford aforesaid and now in the occupation of Edward Prare(?)
and all those two closes of Pasture Land situate and being at Camberwell
in the said Parish of Bradford and now in the occupation of Posthumous Bush
and also all that my estate and farm called Midway Farm together with
the farm house and Mansion House adjoining Offices, Barns ,Stables, Outhouses,
Buildings, Gardens, Orchards, Closes, Lands,.. and parcels of land, herediaments
and appurtenances there to belonging and appertaining, situate and being in the
Several Parishes of Bradford and Wingfield and Westwood in the said County of
Wilts and of Hungerford Farleigh in the County of Somerset and now in the occupation
of John Coles Baily as Tenant of the said farm ....immediately after the Decease
of my said Dear Wife to the use of my said son Henry Shrapnel, Captain
in the Royal Artillery ... to the use of my daughter Elizabeth Warren
and her assigns for and during the term of her Natural Life term of
her natural Life with like power to my said trustees for preserving .. remainder
of aforesaid anf from and after the decease of the said Rachel Biddulph
to .. my Grandson Thomas Shrapnell Biddulph In
St Margarets Street, Morgan`s Hill and Nowhere Lane in Bradford aforesaid
and now in the Occupation of Renting of the widow Baily, Issac Gibbs, Thomas
Brown, Dr. Browne (Apothecary) James Mead, William Gerrish, Thomas Paul John Holbrook,
Widow Dicks(?) to the use of my said daughter Elizabeth Warren
and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life
and I
give and bequeath to my dear wife all my household goods, plate, china, pictures
and household linen with her rings, towels and paraphernalia to be .. at her own
disposal to her
and I give my wife £100 money to be paid
her as soon after my death as possible, also I bequeath to my said daughter
Elizabeth Warren the sum of £200 and to my said daughter Rachel
Biddulph the sum of £100 to be paid
land this house stands on was part of that owned by Zachariah Shrapnell, he married
Lydia Needham in 1753, they had several children including two daughters, the
eldest Elizabeth, born 1757 married Rev. William H Warren in 1794. They probably
only had one son in 1795 and called him Zachariah Shrapnell Warren, his mother
died the following year. The Land Tax Assessments for the borough show Zachaiah
Shrapnell assessed on lands of £24, paying £4-16-09 (in 1782), he
died in 1796 and Mrs Shrapnell was the owner the following year, but she also
died that year of 1797. In 1798 the properties are shown divided between Henry
Shrapnell Esq ., and the Rev. Warren paying £2-10-9d each. No . 8 St. Margaret's
Street was part of that owned (in trust no doubt for his son) by Rev. W. N. Warren.
The records for the assessment and collection of the Poor Rate and the Church
Rate are listed in Streets for the first time from Easter 1808 in the Town.
Tax 1798 |
Tax 1805 |
Sale of properties by Rev. Zachariah Shrapnell Warren to John Lukin of Grays
Inn 1823
This Indenture made the 14thNovember 1823 between Zachariah
Shrapnell Warren of Oakham in the County of Rutland Clerk… Gentleman of the second
part and John Lukin of Grays Inn Square in… that for ..Estates of and in the …
and all reversions and remainders thereupon expectant and expecting and… transferring
.. into possession All those messuages or tenements situate and being in
St. Margaret's Street, Morgan's Hill and Nowhere`s Lane in Bradford in the
said County of Wiltshire and which are now better known and distinguished as All
that piece or parcel of void ground being the .. three messuages or tenements
and gardens formerly in the occupation of Thomas Brown, Widow Baily
and Isaac Gibbs and afterwards of William Holbrook and William Hanny.
But now untenanted the tenements formerly standing thereon that having sometime
fallen down and also all that messuage or tenement yard garden
and appurtenants in said Saint Margaret's Street aforesaid formerly
occupied by Ebenezer Brown, Apothecary and now by Joseph Mundy and
also that Messuage or tenement situate in Nowhere Lane aforesaid formerly
occupied by James Mead and now or late by Malachi Mead and also all
that Messuage or Tenement in Morgans Hill aforesaid formerly in the occupation
of … William Gerrish .. afterwards and late of same by Jane Abrahams …..
also all that messuage .. aforesaid formerly in the occupation of Thomas
Paul afterwards of James Mead and now of …… mall.. and all those
3 messuages or tenements near adjoining each other on Morgans Hill aforesaid
formerly in the occupation of Jane Sarah Orchard, John Holbrook and Widow Dicks
and now of John Gibbs, James Green and Joanna Piles. and all the
new outhouses, edifices, buildings, stables, yards, gardens, cartilages, lands
..and other rights, paths, passages, water, waterworks, rights, liberties, easements,
profits, privileges, commodities, advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances
whatsoever to the said messuages or tenements and hereditaments and promises hereby
granted and released or intended so to be any of them respectively belonging or
in any way appertaining or accepted, reputed .. to be known that .. used.. or
enjoyed as part parcel or member of same or any part thereof respectively and
the reversion and reversions remainders yearly and other rents issues, profits
and .. of the said several Messuages or tenements land hereditaments and premises
hereby granted and released and every part and parcel of the same with their and
every of their rights, rights and appurtenances….. |
Rates 1808 for No Where Lane |
Rates 1815 for No Where Lane |
Rates 1827 for No Where Lane |
W.R.O.947/1472 John
Long of Tilshead Ldge & Joseph Mundy of Bradford Clothier , 1820 granted by
Rev. Zachariah Shrapnell Warren of Oakham , Rutland 20 year lease sum of £4
formerly in the possession of William Hood, but now in possession of Robert Barton
N. Side and a house formerly in possession of Ebenezer Brown now Joseph Mundy
on or towards south part , rent of 2/- to John Long suit & service to court
of John Long kept in Manor of Monkton Farleigh and Cumberwell. |
of Title of Messrs H.E.&S.A. Fricker to nos 8 to 13 (inclusive) St. Margarets
Hill, Bradford on Avon. (1899) 9th October 1866. By Indenture of this
date made between Henry Fricker of the Parish of Bradford in Count)-of Wiltshire
Painter and Glazier of 1st part Eliza Sedgcbecr of Ore hard leigh in county of
Somerset, widow of 2nd Part Edmond George Fricker of Beckington in said county
of Somerset, Painter and Glazier & James Augustus Fricker of Rode in said
County of Somerset, Painter & Glazier of third part. Reciting that a marriage
was intended to be solemnized between said Henry Fricker & E. Sedgebeer &
upon treat)' for same it had been agreed that the several goods, chattels &
premises should be conveniently assigned to said Edmund George Fricker & Julius
Augustus Fricker their heirs, executors and assignees in manner mentioned upon
& for the trusts intents & purposes declared concerning same. Here follows
witnessed in ... aforesaid Henry Fricker did thereby assign unto said Edmund
George Fricker and Julius Augustus Fricker their exs., adds & ass's. First
all those 5 cottages or tenements now occupied as 6 cottages or tenements situated
lying and being in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said parish of Bradford
& where were on 1841 Tythe Mapof Said Parish with the No. 485. Secondly
all that plot of ground sited in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said
parish of Bradford with the messuages or tenements therein erected & built. All
of which said herediaments were more detailed in certain assignments bearing the
dates of 15 Oct, 1858,12 July 1860, October izth, 1860. Being the said purchase
Deeds of said Herediamerits by said Henry Fricker. And all the estate ofTo
hold same unto said Edmund Fricker and Julius Fricker their Exs, Ads, & Ass's
for all the residues then- unexpired of the said terms of years then subsisting
therein created by the several indres of lease mentioned. In the respective of
Assignment above mentioned. At rents & subject to covenants & conditions
in the several leases contained on lessees part their exs., ads., & ass's.,
to be observed upon& for the trusts, intentions & purposes & subject
to the powers provisos declared concerning same............ Upon trust to pay
to said Elizabeth Sedgebeer if she survived said Henry Fricker out of moneys in
hands of said Edmund & Julius Fricker their heirs, executors, etc. £50
, also to Emma Matilda Tucker, the wife of Arthur Tucker the like sum of £50
& also to each of the sons of said Henry Fricker who should be carrying on
business of said Henry Fricker at time of his decease the like sum of £50
but if neither of them were carrying on such business they were not to receive
same & on payments of such several sums upon trust for said Elizabeth Sedgebeer
for her natural life without impeachment of waste & after decease of survivor
of them said Henry Fricker & Elizabelh Sedgebeer. Upon trust for Henry
Edmund Fricker, Frederick Daniel Fricker, Julius Augustus Fricker, Sidney Austin
Fricker, Ann Sophia Anderson, wife of Joshua Hosier, said E.M. Tucker sons &
daughters of said Henry Fricker & Marianne Sedge beer, daughter of said Elizabeth
Sedgebeer, their heirs, Executors, etc to be equally divided between them
share & share alike as tenants in common & as joint tenants........ ............................................... Said
intended marriage between said Henry Fricker & Elizabeth Sedgeabeer solemnised.
28 th August 1894 Said Edmund George Fricker died18 th May 1887. By
his will of this date said Julius Augustus Fricker appointed his wife Elisabeth
Fricker his sole Extrix. 16th October 1894 - Said Julius Augustus Fricker died. 7th
November 1894 - Said will of Julius Fricker proved in the Wells District Probate
Registry by said Elizabeth Fricker. 19th March 1898 . By Indres of this date
made between said Elizabeth Fricker of one part and Henry Edmund Fricker of Frome
in company of Somerset, Hotel Keeper & Julius Augustus Fricker of Burton Farm
in, Wiltshire, Farmer of one part. And reciting that said Elizabeth Fricker
was desirous of being discharged from said trust of said Indre of settlement I
had therefore determined to appoint said Henry Edward Fricker & Julius Augustus
Fricker to be trustees thereof in manner..
between Henry Fricker and Ann Pickard in 1868 This indenture made the first
day of February 1868 between Henry Fricker of Bradford on Avon, plumber
and glazier ( herein called the mortgager of the one part and Anne Pickard
of West Ashton in the County of Wiltshire, spinster (herein called the Mortgagee)
of the other part Whereas the said Mortgager is seized of or otherwise will
entitled to the hereditaments and premises herein after firstly described and
intended to be hereby granted and conveyed for an estate of inheritance in fee
simple in possession free from all encumbrances and is also possessed of or otherwise
well entitled to the premises also hereinafter described and intended to be hereby
assigned that is the portion of them herein after secondly described for the residue
of a term of 1000 years created by a certain Indenture of Lease dated the first
day of February 1695 and the remainder of them hereinafter. described for
the residue of another term of 1000 years and having occasion for the sum of
£700 hath applied and requested of the said Mortgagee to lend and
advance him the same Firstly all that Messuage or Mansion House now
in the possession of the said Mortgager situate lying and being in St Margaret's
Street in the town and Parish of Bradford in the County of Wiltshire with
the offices gardens paddock stable coach house yard and garden to the same adjoining
and belonging and which are marked on the Tithe Map of the said Parish with the
numbers 457, 482 and 458 in the Book of Reference to the said map stated
to contain together 5 roods and 1 perch (and also all those workshops with the
land, outbuildings and erections and premises belonging thereto adjoining the
last described hereditaments leading out into Nowhere Lane and numbered 488
and the said Tithe Map and in the said Book of Reference therefore said stated
8 perches and which said workshops formally consisted of three cottages
or tenements but have recently been converted into workshops by the said Henry
Fricker and which are now in or lately was in his possession and part of the same
in the occupation of Charles Long Builder. And also all those 2 messuages
or tenements formally one messuage, also situate in St Margaret's Street aforesaid
and adjoining the Mansion House first described with the yard and outhouses
to the same belonging no 456 on the same Tithe Map and in the said Book
of Reference stated to contain 14 perches) and also in those 4 tenements
or dwelling houses with their yard and garden passage and appurtenances to
the same belonging and adjoining on the north side of the Mansion House
first described also situated on the same street called St Margaret's Street and
numbered 459 on the said Tithe Map and in the said Book of Reference thereto
stated to contain 14 perches more or less and now or lately in the several
occupations of Thomas Jones, Frederick King, James Holton and one void. And
also all those 2 tenements or dwelling houses with the stable yard, garden
and appurtenances to the same belonging in situate lying and being on Morgan's
Hill in the said town and Parish of Bradford aforesaid nos. 481 and 483
on the said Tithe Map and in the said Book of Reference hereby stated to contain
8 perches Secondly All those 4 Cottages or tenements with the plot
piece parcel of ground occupied as garden or gardens to the same situate lying
and being at a place called the Square on Morgan's Hill in the Town and
parish of Bradford in the said County of Wilts now or late in the respective occupation
of Joseph Bainton, Robert Jones and William Bainton and the other said
Thirdly and also all those 5 several Messuages or Tenements situate and
being at or near Saint Margaret's Hill in the Parish of Bradford aforesaid
and adjoining the last described Cottages or Tenements and now or late
in the respective occupation of Joseph Austin, William Uncles, Rachel Wheeler,
Alfred Bryant and William Hesart(?) And all the rights easements and appurtenances
to the said premises respectively belonging to have and to hold the said cottages
or tenements gardens, and premises hereinafter or expressed and intended to be
unto the said Mortgagee her executors and administrators and assigns for all the
residues and remainders now to come and unexpired of the said several terms of
1000 years and 1000 years and subject to the said proviso for redemption hereinafter
contained Provided also that the said mortgager his heirs, executors administrators
or assigns shall on the 1st august next pay the said mortgagee her executors or
administrators or assigns the sum of £700 with interest for the same in
the meantime after the rate of £5 for £100 by the year without any
deduction or abatement whatsoever except the property or income tax then the Mortgagee
signed Henry Fricker and Ann Pickard Reverse
of Document
on the day of the date of written indenture of and from the within named Anne
Pickard the sum of 700 pounds being the full consideration money within mentioned
and expressed to be paid by her to me signed Henry Fricker witness Henry Shrapnell
Solicitor Bradford. Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Anne Pickard
in the presence of Frederick Webber Solicitor Trowbridge. Memorandum left
on 1st day of June 1896 all principle monies and interest within written mortgage
were paid and discharged by Julius Augustus Fricker but no conveyance was executed
by the mortgagor. memoradum
that by indenture dated 25th day March 1914
of first part being
Fricker and Sarah Agnes Fricker of second part and John Molton of the third part
within mentioned hereditaments 481 482 483 and part 458 were conveyed to the said
John Molton and his rights to