A description of St. Peters Church in 1874 by Harold Lewis from his book:"The
Church Rambler"
My intention being to attend service in the curious weather-beaten little church
of Limpley Stoke, I arrived in that village at a quarter before eleven on Sunday
morning. I heard no bell, but as I believed the little campanile to be tenantless
I took no note of that. I saw the people going forth to public worship, I saw
a chapel with doors invitingly open, and I passed on up the lane to the church
to find-a padlock on the gate. On inquiry I learned that the living being a small
one is conjoined with Winsley, and the incumbent holds one service here in the
afternoon. He is at present without a curate, and as the living does not admit.
a large stipend the vacancy is not likely to be quickly filled, for it is not
easy to keep heart and soul together now-a- days, much less to be
Passing rich on forty pounds a year.
The patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Bristol, promised the present Vicar that
the livings should be separated and Limpley Stoke re-endowed. Twelve years have
passed, but it has not been done. The Book of Common Prayer prescribes, " The
order for morning prayer daily throughout the year," and though this is not always
practicable the custom of many parishes, where an earnest religious spirit pre-
vails, of keeping the church doors continually open is a commendable one. But
if this is a matter of sentiment the services of the Lord's day are not, .and
their omission is a grave and serious scandal, not only on account of the villagers
in this case, but also the well-to-do population who inhabit the villas springing
up around it, or visit the hydro- pathic establishment which is carried on in
its midst. The essential principle of the Establish ment is that it shall maintain
the worship of God in every parish, and the fact of the church being closed and
the chapel open is a stronger argument for the severance of Church and State than
a year's work on the part of the Liberation Society. Surely if the voluntary effort
of Dissenters can , erect and maintain a chapel in a parish there is sufficient.
zeal among the Churchmen of the district, if appealed to, to provide adequate
ministry for the parish church. Surely the religion of Churchmen is as real and
earnest as that of their Nonconforming brethren. Surely it ,is not to be said
that our church is only maintained by the pious provision of our ancestors, that
among Dissenters alone is religious effort to be found to-day; that our Christianity
is but a tradition and a memory by which we hold church property and that the
living reality of an active faith is to be found outside our ranks! Surely we
are wealthy enough and earnest enough to remove the padlock from the church gate.
Had I been anything but a Church Rambler I should have turned back to the chapel
thankful that any body of Christians had taken up the sacred work which my own
church had forsaken. As it was, I hastened down the lane and reached the Church
of S. Peter, Freshford, in sufficient time for service. With scarcely an exception
it is surprising how small were the churches in the neighbourhood of Bath prior
to the Reformation. Freshford Church is one of these small edifices, as up to
the period of the Georges it only consisted of a small western tower, nave and
chancel. The little church of S. Thomas a Becket, Widcombe, with which most of
my readers are probably acquainted, is a far more considerable structure. The
church now has the addition of a side aisle to the north, but the less we say
about that the better, although, as it must have been added fully 125 years ago,
I run no danger of offending those who built it. I strongly advise the descendants
of those who perper trated the enormity to remove their reproach. The nave and
sentry box porch, with the old sundial hoisted above the roof, were built about
the same time in the Strawberry Hill Gothic, rendered famous,by its originator,
Horace Walpole. The chancel about twelve. years since was rebuilt, slightly widened
and lengthened. The east window is four centred of three lights, the label ;moulding
of which on the exterior has heads of ecclesiastics as bosses, with the head of
our Saviour at the apex. The other windows are remarkably small, of three and
two lights, each square-headed, well foliated and with re markably large cusps.
Three out of four of these windows may be original. they seem far too smalJ, but
they are numerous the chancel does not lack light. The roof is entirely new open
arched timbered, of the style of the remainder of the chancel, late Perpendicular.
The chancel arch is of no style at all, and there is one to match it in the north
aisle, the two resting on a solid wall of masonry about four feet wide, which
is pierced with two holes to allow persons in the nave to see the chancel. The
arches between the aisle and nave rest on clustered freestone columns with plain
capitals f in the chancel the column is of limestone with foliated capitals. The
roof of the nave is flat ceiled, the north aisle has an arched ceiling, except
when it is continued next the chancel, where it is again a flat ceiling. The windows
too, in this portion of the building, are ogee headed in two lights. At least
it can be said that the features of the church are not brought down to " a dead
level of uniformity." I should not forget the font ,which is plain octagonal of
the Decorated style. A pretty little western tower of three stories is the chief
ornament of the building and anyone who wishes to carry away a pleasing recollection
of the church should go and view it from the Tyning some other point where that
only comes into view. It has very plain battlements, with angular buttresses pinnacled
on their face and a singular arrangement of turret stairs at the northern angle.
The ".. western window is partially walled up and the western doorway is converted
into a window. How the devout dread fresh air. The church is fitted with pews
with doors and high backs: how is it that these bear the impress of the latter
half of this century. I had thought that pews ceased to be re-established much
longer since. Inquiry elicited the reply that at the time this church was cleansed
money would only be given on one condition-pews. The lamentable part of the church
however is the wide galleries, painted white and supported on iron pillars, running
the whole length of the north aisle and continued half way along the western wall.
Under the tower is the organ gallery wherein also the choir is placed. This being
erected under the tower does not project into the church; close beside it is the
western gallery projecting its whole width. It is all galleries-the utile without
the'dulce. Higgledy-piggledy is the best description of the arrangements of the
seats, back to back, face to face, or shoulder to shoulder. .A seat has been long
reserved, and is still curtained blue at the east end of the gallery, for a family
famous in the times that are past as clothiers, but this will shortly disappear,
as a search among the records of Wells has failed to prove the assertion that
it is private property. The commandments, the creed and the Lord's prayer in gold
letters upon black boards are the only adornment in the chancel. There are no
stained windows, nor are any likely to be added under the present incumbent. The
pulpit and read ing desk stand against the north wall, on the west side of the
centre-I can scarcely call it the chancel- arch. On the reading desk the books
for the minister attracted my attention for they were bound in calf with red labels
and looked just like account books. The church is lighted in the evening by lamps
and as the bowls were of plain white glass the yellow oil could be seen through
them; it would be much more pleasing to have coloured ones. The chains by which
the lamps hung from the brackets not being long enough they were ingeniously pieced
out with string. Externally, the character of the church is on a par with its
interior. Access is obtained to the gallery by a block of steps similar in character
to but on a larger sca]e than those at Box. The vestry has been built as a ]ean-to
against the side of the tower, in a very simple fashion. The service was conducted
throughout by the Rector, the Rev. Thomas Whitehouse, M.A., of Sydney Sussex College,
Cambridge, in a very plain and simple manner, but with great earnest- ness. I
was pleased that in the Litany he introduced a petition for the Prince of Wales,
now on his way to India.. The hymn book used was the " Hymnal Companion," edited
by the Rev. E. H. Bickersteth, who I notice follows the custom which I wish was
general, of giving the names of the authors of all the hymns. The first hymn was
Montgomery's, To thy temple I repair. After which the precommunion service was
readily the Rector. Drydeli's fine hymn Creator spirit by whose aid The world's
foundations first were laid. was then sung, while the Rector repaired to the vestry
and then ascended the pulpit to preach in his Geneva gown. His text was Titus
ii. 13, "Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great
God and one Saviour Jesus- Christ." In these days, he said, while some denied
our Lord and others were asking where was the promise of his second coming, this
verse described the attitude of the sincere believer. He described what this was
that they were looking for, and said it must be preceded by a series of events
before which all the pageants of this world would grow pale. At some length he
impressed upon his bearers that they knew not when that sacond coming might be
and he urged them earnestly to be prepared for it ere it was too late for them
to repent of their sins. The congrega tion was very numerous and most attentive
to the service; and despite the discomforts and short- comings of the church,
the general tone of the service was sincere and earnest. At the close of the sermon
an incident occurred which would not have happened if clergy, choir and organ,
were in their right position. The nector, who seemed far from well, made a mistake
in giving out the number of the closing hymn. He said 381, " 318" came from the
organ gallery in a whisper, audible all over the church, as he was beginning to
read the first verse. " Three hundred and eighteen is it 1" he responded, and
gave out the hymn O worship the king, All glorious above. The choir consisted
of three or four female voices in the gallery, who did their work well, but no
more fulfil my ideal of what a church choir should be than such an incident as
I have described accords with my notion of the service of the Church of England.
In accordance with the general character of the church there are no monuments
in it of any great antiquity or interest. There is but one preserved of older
date than the last century and that has a lengthy but interesting inscription
to the memory of a member of the Ashe family, which with that of Ford, owned the
greater part of the property in the parish in the last century. The inscription
I refer to is graven on a black stone and is as follows :-
If all my vows and prayers had prevailed,
From death's arest you doubtless had been bail'd,
And you had mourned for me at death's cave,
As I do mourn at your untimely grave ;
But sith the just and righteous God's decree
Was not to heare my prayers, as I see ;
You goe to rest before me, whiles mine eyes,
Fitted for mourning, drop out elegies.
Sweet boanes Iy sort' the grave's a bed of trust;
: My boanes shall shortly mingle with the dust.
Here lies a peice of heav'n, and Christ one day
Will send his angels to Catch it away.
Heav'n hath his loui, the earth his corps doth hide,
Yet so that it shall not still heare abide;
His soul shall come with Christ, and at Christ's call,
Earth shall give Up her sh&re, and heav'n have aIl.
Olim umbrosa fuit quercus gratissima nymphis,
Fraxinus hic c&sa est sacra et am&t& Deo.
Concidit ante diem; sed germinat in p&radiso;
Corpore defuncto, f&ma perennis erit.
Leland says he came from Trowbridge to Bath, and by the way I rode over" Freshefore
Bridge "of 2 or 3 faire new arches of stone." The Avon still dashes merrily on
its way out of Wiltshire under Freshford bridge, and I think that the epithet
" fresh" applied to its rapid current is the true meaning of the presence of that
syllable in the name Freshford. In Domesday it is written Fescheford. The parish
of Freshford lies on the border of the county of Somerset, and portions of it,
the two hamlets of Shrub and Iford with Freshford mills and bridge are in Wiltshire,
the river Avon being the boundary. The manor of Freshford when the Great Survey
was made, was in two holdings each of half a hide. It is recorded under the possessions
of Roger de Curcelle, " Alric holds of Roger Fescheford. Domne held " it in the
time of King Edward. Robert holds " of Roger Fescheforde. Brismar held it in the
time of King Edward." Iford, on the road to Farley, is mentioned in Domesday as
Eford. Collinson mentions that within a few years of his writing the house here
had a chapel and cloister, but the latter had been pulled down and the former
converted into a greenhouse. Pipards, north of the village, take its name from
the family which anciently possessed it, who were lords of the manor of Cold Ashton
and others in Wiltshire through several generations, and whose estates passed
by an heiress to the Botelers, Earls of Ormond. In 1332 however the whole was
given to the abbey of Hinton, with which it remained until the Dissolution, after
which it passed by purchase through various hands until in the beginning of the
eighteenth century it was bought by Anthony Methuen, esq. Thomas Joyce, esq.,
is at present lord of the manor. The manor house, now called Freshford house,
is re markable as the residence of Sir William F. P. Napier, whilst he wrote his
" History of the Peninsular War." Around it therefore hang the memories of that
noble and devoted wife who not only discharged all the duties that a large family
imposed upon her, not only was a careful and sympathising companion to her husband
but actually undertook and performed a task in the preparation of his history
which he had abandoned as hopeless. When Wellington was told that she had deciphered
the correspondence of Joseph Buonaparte without a key, he said, " I would " have
given £20,000 to any man who could have "done that for me in the Peninsula." Adjoin
ing Freshford was anciently another parish called Woodwick, or in Saxon days Unde-
wiche. At the Conquest the manor belonged to the Abbey of S. Peter Bath, and is
entered in Domesday book, " Ranulf holds of the church " Undewiche. A monk of
the same monastery held " it in the time of King Edward." This Ranulf Flambard
was also tenant of Corston and Charlton near Malmesbury , the property of the
Abbey at that place. It would appear to have been alienated from them before the
Dissolution. In the year 1448 the livings of Freshford and Woodwick were united,
on account of their vicinity and the smallness of the income; this was effected
with the consent of Thomas Halle, esq., of Bradford, the patron of both. It would
appear from this time the church of Woodwick, which was not far distant from the
church of S. Mary the Virgin Limpley Stoke, fell into decay, and village and church
have alike been destroyed and the land has returned again under the plough. When
Collinson wrote il; had long disappeared, though some tombstones and remains of
a church had then recently been dug out in a field called Church Fields or Church
Powels, in a district still called Woodward. The name often survives long after
any trace of its origin has passed away. The rectory of Freshford has passed into
the hands of the Trustees under the will of the late Rev.C. Simeon, who presented
the present rector about two years since. Mr. Whitehouse had previously laboured
for sixteen years as a missionary in India, and immediately prior to his acceptance
of this living was for some years curate of the Bath Abbey, under the late Rector
the Rev. Preb. Kemble, where his zealous labours and sincere piety won bim the
esteem of all the congregation, who expressed their regard in tbe presentation
of a handsome testimonial when he left. I may, therefore, be allowed to add that
after such long labour in the vineyard, and with his weakened health, he may fairly
pause at the stupendous task of rebuilding the church, for the present condition
of which he can in no way be held responsible.