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Lane, St. Margaret`s Hill, Bradford on Avon |
Nowhere Lane is narrow lane with its junction on the left side of St. Margarets Hill from St. Maragrets Street leading originally to more than 10 homes. The whole area was demolished in 1966 to make way for St. Margarets Old Peoples Home. |
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This is an amazing view of St. Margarets Hill drawn by Gareth Slater, as it would have looked in 1880, based on photographs taken at the time and shows clearly how extensively the area had been built over. Eventually many of these buildings were demolished to make way for car parks and an Old Peoples Home. |
A row of 7 cottages was built c.1690 by Zachariah Shrapnell as
part of his extensive development of St. Margarets Hill. Each were given 1,000
year leases with rents between £1 and £2 going to him and his descendants.
The building (t.n. 484) on the corner of Nowhere Lane was built by
Edward Deverell of Bradford in 1692,who is described as a "Rough Mason"
and may well have constructed this row. the group can be traced back using original
Deeds and Land Taxes, and seem to have formed two seperate holdings of tithe numbers
486/7 and 485. The Shrapnell family seem to have held on to the first group until
1824 when it was sold to Issac Green. They may well have kept ownership of the
second group of 5 cottages(485) for a while, but by 1773 the land Tax show John
Marshman and Richard Carpenter living there and the owner is a Mrs. Webb who appears
to have purchased them from the Arnolds. In 1780 the Taveners are the new owners
and in 1798 they sell it to the wealthy Clothier Samuel Rayner who lives where
the Green House Health Practic e is today. Later he dies in 1808 and his wife
Anne Rayner (died 1854) collects the rents of these and many other properties
in the town left to her by her husband.She leaves her property to her daughter
Henrietta Bath who in 1866 sells it to Henry Fricker (living at 6-7 St. Margarets
Street). A year earlier he had purchased 9,10 St. Margarets Street (now Rialto)
which has access from No Where lane and adds the former Candle factory building
to others at the rear of his property for his Workshops, which he in time rents
out to his friend and neighbour Charles Long (the builder).By his death in 1899
he owns a number of properties in the town and they are auctioned off. The group
of cottages is described as " unoccupied and in ruins" and are bought
by Charlotte Beaven who is living where Saxty`s is today for £30. Almost nothing remains today of Nowhere Lane apart from an ashphalt drive leading from St. Margarets Hill to the back garden of Shrapnell House(7 St. Margarets Street).Although a hundred years ago there was a narrow line of 8 cottages on the East side of it. Fortunately a photograph(see below) has survived showing how it looked in 1880 with its series of gabled roofs. |
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to see a more comprensive history of the following buildings. Click below: |
House at rear of tithe no. 452 (now Backhouse) |
Building at rear of tithe no. 454 (now Rialto) |
484 Building at corner of Nowhere Lane |
485 Group of 5 cottages in Nowhere Lane |
486 A cottage in Nowhere Lane |
487 A cottage in Nowhere Lane |
488 Old Building at rear of Shrapnell House (456) |
Group of houses known as Wastfield`s |
with the OUT-BUILDINGS, YARDS, GARDENS, and PREMISES. GEORGE SNAILUM & SONS are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the NEW BEAR HOTEL, BRADFORD-ON-AVON, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1899, at Six for Seven o` clock in the evening (subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced ) the under-mentioned FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, in the Parish of Bradford-on-Avon, namely:- Lot 1 - SIX STONE-BUILT TENEMENTS (unoccupied and in ruins) with the outbuildings, yards, and Premises, numbered and being 8 to 13 inclusive, St. Margaret's Hill. The Lot has a frontage to Nowhere Lane of about 95 feet. This lot will be sold for the remainder of the term for which the same is held (which is supposed to be 1,000 years) and subject to any ground or other rent payable in respect thereof. |
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Ashmead Map & 1841 Tithe Map for Bradford on Avon |
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Ashmead Map & 1886 Ordnance Survey Map for Bradford on Avon |
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1885 & 1901 Ordnance Survey Map for Bradford on Avon |
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O/S Map redrawn and Today by Gareth Slater |
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Nowhere Lane in 1886, and the same view today. The small cottage at the bottom on the left has survived. The section of wall and window on the right is very similar to Prospect House( see below) the premisesof Harris Hill & Warner, Veterinary Surgeons in the nearby Frome Road which is dated c. 1850. It was probably built by Charles Long whose workshops were at the bottom of Nowhere Lane. |
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The narrow entrance to Nowhere Lane can be seen in the middle of the photograph taken in 1964 before all the buildings were demolished. The building to the right of it was being used as a garage at the time. |
Census and Tithe map for Nowhere Lane |
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Reference Book to 1864 Bradford Map (Tithe No., Owner, Tenant, Description) 480 James Fricker Briscomb House 481& 482 Shrapnell Wilshire & Others 3 Tenements 483 & 484 John Smith George Cook & others 4 Tenements 485 James Fricker Robbins & others 4 Tenements 485 James Fricker Hancock & others 2 Tenements 486 & 487 John Smith Hodges Candle Manufactory 488 Shrapnell Fricker Old Building included with 489 Miss Wastfield Webb, Selby & others 5 Tenements 490 Elizabeth Deverell E. Deverell House 490 Elizabeth Deverell Milsom & others 3 Tenements |
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1900 This Indenture made the day of Between Henry Edmond Fricker of Frome in the County of Somerset Hotel Keeper and Julius Augustus Fricker of Mere in the County Of Wiltshire Farmer of the one part and Charlotte Spencer Beaven of Bradford , Widow of the other part . Whereas the said H.E. Fricker & J.A. Fricker have agreed with the said C.S. Beaven for the sale to her of the property hereinafter described & intended to be hereby assigned for the sum of £12. paid by the said C.SBeaven to the said H.E.Fricker and J.A.Fricker. (the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge the said H.E. Fricker and J.A.Fricker do each of them doth hereby assign unto the said C.S. Beaven here executors and assigns. All those 6 cottages formerly 5 cottages or tenements with the yards , outbuildings situate and being in Nowhere Lane , Bradford on Avon nos 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 st. Margarets Hill , no. 483 on the Tithe Map |
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extract from Zachariah Shrapnel`s Will 1794: "In St Margaret`s Street, Morgan`s Hill and Nowhere Lane in Bradford aforesaid and now in the Occupation of Renting of the widow Baily, Issac Gibbs, Thomas Brown, Dr. Browne (Apothecary) James Mead, William Gerrish, Thomas Paul John Holbrook, Widow Dicks(?) and .. sevrerall Orchard to hold the said Messuages or tenements with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Richard Attwood and Joseph Smith and their heirs to the several .. But unto and purposes here in after particularly mentioned limited expressed and declared of and containing.. (that is to say) to the use of my said daughter Elizabeth Warren" |
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In 1818 Mrs Anne Rayner is shown as owning property in Nowhere Lane which had previously been occupied by the Taveners. |
of Title of Messrs H.E.&S.A. Fricker to nos 8 to 13 (inclusive)
St. Margarets Hill, Bradford on Avon. (1899) 9th October 1866. By Indenture of this date made between Henry Fricker of the Parish of Bradford in Count)-of Wiltshire Painter and Glazier of 1st part Eliza Sedgcbeer of Orchardleigh in county of Somerset, widow of 2nd Part Edmond George Fricker of Beckington in said county of Somerset, Painter and Glazier & James Augustus Fricker of Rode in said County of Somerset, Painter & Glazier of third part. Reciting that a marriage was intended to be solemnized between said Henry Fricker & E. Sedgebeer & upon treat)' for same it had been agreed that the several goods, chattels & premises should be conveniently assigned to said Edmund George Fricker & Julius Augustus Fricker their heirs, executors and assignees in manner mentioned upon & for the trusts intents & purposes declared concerning same. Here follows witnessed in ... aforesaid Henry Fricker did thereby assign unto said Edmund George Fricker and Julius Augustus Fricker their exs., adds & ass's. First all those 5 cottages or tenements now occupied as 6 cottages or tenements situated lying and being in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said parish of Bradford & where were on 1841 Tythe Map of Said Parish with the No. 485. |
are part of the deeds for 16 St. Margarets Street and may have formerly belonged
to Priory of Monkton Farleigh.Charlotte Beaven prchases these on the 28th January 1959 Miss Hignell purchases two pieces of land at Nowhere lane from L.P.T. Hill of 14 St. Margarets Street for £25 On the 13th December 1966 Miss Elizabeth Hignell conveyed to the Council the piece of land coloured pink |
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1820-1936 Deeds relating to properties in Morgans Hill, Nowhere Lane and St. Margaret's
Street adjoining the Particular Baptist Chapel, Bradford-on-Avon, formerly part
of the Bishoprick estates of the Manor of Monkton Farleigh and Cumberwell All that piece or parcel of void ground being the site of 3 messuages formerly in the occupation of Thomas Brown, widow Baily and Haar Gibbs and afterwards of William Holbrook and William Hanny. But now untenanted the tenements formerly standing thereon having sometime fallen down and also that messuage in St. Margarets Street formerly occupied by Ebenezer Brown Apothecary, now by Joseph Mundy and also that messuage in No Whers Lane formerly occupied by Thgomas Crook and also that messuage in Morgans Hill formerly in occupation of William Gerrish afterwards and of late by Jane Abrahams and that messuage in Morgans Hill in occupation of Thomas Paul afterwards of James Mead and now Nathaniel (?) Mead and also those 3 messuages adjoining each other on Morgan`s Hill formerly in occupation of Jane Sara Orchard, John Holbrook and Widow Dicks (?) and now of John Gibbs, Jane Green and Joanna Piles and all houses, outhouses Zacahriah Shrapnel Warren said John Lutin as tenant. |
Buildings that were built along Nowhere Lane and St. Margarets Hill by Zachariah
Shrapnel at the end of the 17th Century after he inherited Shrapnell House with
its extensive Grounds. They are built at a boom time in Bradford when population
grows from 2625 in 1690 to 4110 by 1710 (Jones Bradford page 64) and a similar
development occurs along the Tory by the Metheuns. Zachariah leaves 6 of these
houses to his son and issues 1,000 year lease to a number of other parcels of
land that are later built on.
487 in 1962 has a 1000 year Z. Shrapnell lease, whilst 486 is probably part of 451(Saxty`s) property and could be originally belong to Monkton Farleigh Priory and T/N.
485 (8,9,10,11,12,13 St. Margaret's Hill.) Secondly all that plot of ground sited in "Nowhere Lane", Morgans Hill in said parish of Bradford with the messuages or tenements therein erected & built. SALE
TUESDAY NOV. 14 1899 T/N.
484 Garage (next to 6 St. Margaret's Hill.)
Auction 19th December 1865 FREEHOLD
DWELLING-HOUSE (now Rialto) T/No.451
14a St. Margaret's Street. Besides the mesne Lords of Manors in the Hundred of Bradford, there were others who, though not exercising any jurisdiction within the Hundred demanded fealty, and perhaps rather more substantial acknowledgements, from some of the tenants within the domain of our Abbess, The Manor of Cumberwell, for example, was held under the Barony of Castle Coqlbe, and Humphrey de Lisle (Hunfredus de Insula) the Lord of that Manor claimed from the tenant at Cumberwell-(in early times one named Pagen)-suit and service for the same The Prior of Monkton Farleigh, moreover, who held the Lordship of that Manor, claimed payment for lands in this parish W.R.O.
ref. 1837/1 - date: 1820-1936
This Indenture made the 14thNovember 1823 between Zachariah Shrapnell Warren of
Oakham in the County of Rutland Clerk
Gentleman of the second part and John
Lukin of Grays Inn Square in
that for ..Estates of and in the
all reversions and remainders thereupon expectant and expecting and
Warren in hand paid by the said John Lukin at or before the sealing and delivery
of those present .. whereas is hereby acknowledged by the said Zachariah Shrapnell
Warren hath granted bargained sold ..released conveyed and confirmed and by those
present Doth grant bargain sell allow release convey and confirm unto the said
John Lukin and his heirs ( in the actual possessions of the said John Lukin now
being by virtue of a bargain .. sale to him thereof made by the said Zachariah
Shrapnell Warren in consideration of 5 shillings by Indenture bearing date the
day before the date of those present for one whole year remaining from the day
next before the day of the same Indenture or Bargain and sale and by force of
the statute made by transferring .. into possession |
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Rates for Nowhere lane in 1808 Holbrook John (Warren) House 2-6d Townsend Betty (Mr Scotcher) House 2-6d Raike George (Mr Scotcher) House 2-6d Humphries O. (.. Jones) House 3-9d(t.no.484) Wyatt Thomas (.. Jones) House 2-6d(t.no.484) Mitchell Ann (.. Jones) House 2-6d(t.no.484) Rose William (.. Jones) House 2-6d(t.no.484) Williams Thomas (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Halliday John (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Alderwick Betty (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Pitman Henry (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Howell John (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Moore Abraham (Mrs Rayner) House 2-6d(t.no.485) Symes James (Late James Taylor) House 2-6d(t.no.486) Mead James (Warren) House 2-6d House 2-6d(t.no.487) Withers Henry (Colonel Shrapnel) House 2-6d(t.no.488) Green Joseph (Colonel Shrapnel) House 2-6d(t.no.488) Hancock William (Colonel Shrapnel) House 2-6d(t.no.488) Thrush (?) Thomas (late Jelly) House 2-6d(t.no.489) Tuck Thomas (late Jelly) House 2-6d(t.no.489) Hulbert James (late Jelly) House 2-6d(t.no.489) Abrahams James (Warren) House 2-6d(t.no.489) Mead James (Warren) House 2-6d |
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Tax 1815 |
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Tax 1827 |
Tax 1827 |
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...........................(Mrs Rayner) House 2s-10d (t.no.485) Ladd William(Mrs Rayner) House 2s-10d (t.no.485) Bachelor.....(Mrs Rayner) House 2s-10d (t.no.485) Holloway John (Mrs Rayner) House 2s-10d (t.no.485) Ash William (Mrs Rayner) House 2s-10d (t.no.485) Bray James(Spackman Thomas) House 2s-10d (t.no.486) Green Issac(Green Issac) House House 2s-10d (t.no.487) Baily Samuel (Henry Shrapnel) House 2s-10d (t.no.488) Howell James(Henry Shrapnel) House 2s-10d (t.no.488) Morris William(Henry Shrapnel) House 2s-10d (t.no.488) Allen John(Henry Shrapnel) House 2s-10d (t.no.488) Harding Abraham (Henry Shrapnel) House 2s-10d (t.no.488) |
Tax 1841 |
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Tax 1870 |
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Tax 1870 |
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Tax 1870 |
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Tax 1882 |
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Tax 1833 |
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Tax 1830 |
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Tax 1827 |
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Tax 1826 |
reference I am using the house numbers of 1891 and the plot numbers for 1837/8
and the Tithe numbers of 1841. The properties in the Lane were no.7 (960) a part of T.N. 489. That are erected in the period after 1689 to 1692 a lease dated 3rd August 1692 from Zachariah Shrapnell to John Taylor and assigned to him by William Wastfield on 25th April 1694, and then a new lease from Zachariah Shrapnell to William Wastfield on 3rd February 1695(1696). That refers to Cottage or Tenement (960) and the garden on which it stood 60 feet long by 16 Feet in breadth, the ground adjoined that of Jacob Silby and Richard Godby and was part of the Orchard of Zachariah Shrapnell. The corner plot opposite (960) eventually had a house built on it (971) sometime after the 5th May 1697, the size of that ground was 27 feet and I assume the same depth as shown on the 19th Century Maps of 20 ½ feet. Tithe no. 484 Tithe no. 484 covered the plot and the house on the plot 35 feet by 35 feet down to 12 feet wide as shown on the 1885 Ordnance Survey Map. The description of the plot 971 adjoined William Wastfield's property except for the way of 6 feet wide (the start of the lane) to part the same. The land adjoining (971 and the gardens of 972 and 973 T.N. 484) was T.N. 485. We do not know when they were erected, but as they passed from Richard Gardiner to Mr. Arny at 1 1/2d of assessment in the Poor Rate Book, they could be part of the 2d. Assessment of Richard Gardiner in 1702. So I assume Richard Gardener either leased that 95 feet long plot from Zachariah Shrapnell or he assigned it to Richard Gardiner with houses already erected between the 5th May 1697 and the start of the Poor rate Book in 1702. The Land Tax Assessment for Tithe number 485 in 1773/4 was £3 lands and not identified with occupiers until owned by Samuel Rayner amongst all his properties in the Church Rate Book 1804-1805 at 6 houses at 1/4d each to equal 1 1/2d some of the tenants still there in 1808 when they appear to have been re-valued at 1/2d each. 1837 numbered 966, 967, 968, 969 and 970 the parts at the rear of 968 not shown on maps until the 1885 Ordnance Survey Map, in the Tithe Award Schedule also described as 5 Tenements Tithe No. 485. In 1884 given the numbers used in the 1891 Census no. 8 to no. 13 and so were described in the 1864 Town Survey as 4 houses and 2 houses equals the six numbers 8 to 13. The house on plot tithe no. 486 (965) we so far can only trace back to about 1761 - 1762 Robert Cooper assessed at 1/2d was that the other 1/2d part of Richard Gardiner's 2d in 1702? Or was it part of some one else's total assessment in 1702? The house on plot tithe no. 487 (964) could be 1/2d of the 3f of Poor Rate belonging to the Kendall's in 1702 as it seems likely they were all late 17th century houses, that 3d.taken over by Zachariah Shrapnell II (nephew of Zachariah Shrapnell. Died 1723) from Widow Kendall in the 1740`s. We know very few people lived in the same house from 1841 to 1881, but the part time chapel caretaker Thomas Steven's a Cloth worker occupied 1003. no. 68 in 1891 in St. Margaret's or Morgan's Hill for that 40 year + period. As you will know from your copies of the 1841 and 1851 Census those living there from 960 (to possibly 961) and 962, 963, 964, 965 and 966 to 970 and ending with971 had a variety of occupations some naturally still connected to the Cloth Industry. Only about two families there in 1841 were still there in 1851 and also in 1861 and its not easy to decide or work out if they remained in the same houses, but one of them was not actually in the lane but in part of those comprising tithe no. 489. So John and Emma Holloway he aged 55 a Gardener and she was 50 a Burler and their 9 children in 1841 in one of those houses comprising 485.possibly 968 or 967, were at Schedule no. 133 in 1851 he was 60 and Emma 58, he was from Westbury and all the rest of the family born in Bradford. Also still there from 1841 was the Widow of Isaac Green at Schedule no. 136 with the Burcombe family in her house 487 (964), and the Widow of George Baker, Hannah in the house adjoining the Self's in 489 possibly she was in 957 and George Self in 958. 1891 no.4 and 5. In 1861 the Enumerator followed the same route coming down the Lane John Holloway was then 79 at Schedule no. 69, his Widow Emma was still in that row of houses in 1871 at Schedule no. 150 (section) no. 13b aged 87 years with two of their unmarried sons William aged 35 and John 30 following their fathers occupation as gardeners. There were only about 7 houses occupied in the Lane part of Morgan's Hill in 1861 possibly from Schedule no. 67 to 71 was Tithe no. 485 and that latter one had Schedule no. to 75 for Lodgers in Lucy Lippetts home no. 71 and George Self was at Schedule 78 and Thomas Steven's at no. 82. Benjamin Silby or Selby was at Schedule no. 79 possibly in 957. The two of them were still at no. 489 in 1871 Schedule nos. 20 George Self & his wife Ann 80 and 77 she was blind. He was or had been a watchman at a cloth factory and at no. 21 Benjamin Silby aged 73 a Cloth worker and his wife Eliza 54 note 1864 survey for 489 included ____ Selby and others. Thomas Stevens was at Schedule no.26. Actually living in the Lane in 1871 were about the same as 1861 Seven families including the Holloway family the occupations Agricultural Labourers and another Gardener and one or two cloth workers. Stephen Wheeler aged 47 born in Hawkridge a Labourer and his wife Sarah born in Wales were in Tithe no. 485 row probably in 967 or 968 and 3 children and he was still in that area in 1881, but probably in 489 959 no. 6. In 1881 only about 4 families were in the lane part of Morgan's Hill in schedule nos, 47 to 50 and at no. 46 971 on the corner or (on the Hill) Arthur Jones a 29 year old Tiler and Plasterer followed by no. 47 James Laycock aged 57 an Agricultural Labourer and wife Harriet and 5 children either in 970 no. 13 or 966 no. 8 because in 1891 he and his family were at no. 8 St. Margaret's Hill. It depends where the enumerator went in 1881 after 971 (no. 14). Did he walk to the bottom of No Where Lane to 47 and then back up to 48, 49 and 50 John Lintern Head Married aged 40, a Canal Navigator (a Boatman) born in Turleigh. Then 5 unoccupied to no. 51 . The home of Stephen Wheeler probably in 959 (no.6), then one unoccupied (958) no.5 ? Schedule no.52 probably (957 no. 4) Frances Hopkins a Widower aged 40 a Dye House man born at Beckington and 2 sons born here in Bradford. Three more Schedule nos. 53 to 55 probably in tithe no. 490 still described in 1864 as a House & (three Tenements 953, 954 and 955) then at Schedule no. 56 Thomas Stevens at 1003 (no.68) In the 1891 Census only 5 or 6 houses were occupied in No Where Lane part of St. Margaret's Hill, the Enumerator starting for the first time at the corner of tithe no. 490 and at no. 4 or 489 (957) was Stephen Wheeler, wife and Grandson. In the Lane at no. 7 using 3 rooms was William Dobson aged 40 born at Box, Agricultural Labourer and his wife Elizabeth aged 57 and 2 children all born here in Bradford. As I have said James Laycock at no. 8 and at no. 9 Alfred Bainton and his wife Elizabeth 26 and 29 and 4 children all born here in Bradford he was a Boot maker, sharing? Their house at 9A using 3 rooms was George Davis a Widower 68 a General Labourer. No. 10 was using 4 rooms Ann Norris a married Charwoman aged 70 and her son John 21 an Ag. Lab. And Sarah 23 worked in a Shoddy Mill (Wool) her daughter. No.11 & 12 unoccupied and the last house occupied was no. 13 using 4 rooms James Lock 26 and his wife Annie 25 he worked on the Railway (Carter) born in Exeter, his wife and children and a brother-in-law and sister-in-law married to each other I think. A photograph from the Wiltshire Times? shows no. 7 (960) had a door way on St. Margaret's Hill and was 3 storey with the Gable end opposite to the one shown on Gareth's drawing of that lane on (960). Only that house was being lived in at the time of the 1901 Census, William Dobson & family. Neil if you look at the photographs that you have taken of the Church Rate Book (and the Land Tax Assessment which I hope you have for the years 1784 and 1785), you will find the name of the owner in 1785 but not there in 1784. As I told you it was James Warren Esq. Or Mr. Warren on the various ways that name was spelt, the occupier from 1785 was a Roger Smith as you will also see from the 1791 directory he had moved on to the seven Stars in Newtown when the ownership changed to the Sheppard family. I assume that James Warren was the same James Warren of Walcot, Bath in Somerset together with Daniel Clutterbuck of Bradford Leigh that were appointed trustees for the marriage settlement of Thomas Todd of the General Post Office, London to Elizabeth Baskerville, daughter of Thomas of the Grange in Woolley Green 1782 circa. In the Land Tax Assessment for 1785 his assessment was on £3 lands and in the Church rate Book 1784 - 87 2 1/2d. so if you have the Land tax Assessment copied for these 2 years 1784 and 1785 you need to look at them carefully to see if anyone had a reduction in their assessment of the £3 lands between 1784 and 1785. It is only that one period the first time his name appears in the Church Rate Book 1784 - 87 that his name appears as James warren Esq. R.Smith occupier assessed at 2 1/2d times the rate for that period. In the Church Rate Book prior to that for 1783 I cannot locate that property at 2 1/2d is it maybe included in a larger amount, Mrs Mary Thresher had 2 1/2d not there in 1784 - 87. Roger Mawby |